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  1. Dar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Okay, I'm going to take the chance of Signal Beam hopefully not beating Rex and using Dig first. But come up after Silver Wind. Then, a Stone Edge. Dig(2 turns, after Silver Wind)~Stone Edge
  2. Dar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Okay, now that Solas is under the damage cap, Rex should be able to beat him in two or less rounds. Start with another Rock Tomb, and follow up with a Fire Fang. Then, an Earthquake, assuming it isn't floating. Otherwise, another Fire Fang. Rock Tomb~Fire Fang~Earthquake/Fire Fang
  3. Dar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Okay, start with a Rock Slide. Then, use Dig, but make sure to come up after the Water Pulse. Rock Slide~Dig (2 turns, come up after Water Pulse)
  4. Dar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Okay, I'll send out Rex, my Sandile. Start off with a Fire Fang, and if we're lucky it'll burn it. And if we're even luckier we'll get sun. Afterwards, use a Rock Tomb, but if you're slower use Payback. Then finish with a Stone Edge. Fire Fang~Rock Tomb/Payback~Stone Edge
  5. Dar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Okay, so I have nothing good against it, and I'm dead soon either way. Might as well suicide. Explosion
  6. Dar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Use an Energy Ball, and two Quick Attacks, and hopefully that will take it out. Energy Ball~Quick Attack~Quick Attack
  7. Dar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Use two Energy Balls and Chill. Dont feel like explaining why. Energy Ball~Energy Ball~Chill
  8. Dar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Okay, to avoid that Icy Wind, use Dig. And now to test something. On the second turn of Dig, combine it with a Quick Attack. Let's hope this works. Dig (2 turns)+Quick Attack
  9. Dar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Okay, let's use Shadow Ball for no apparent reason, and let's use Double Team just to make sure Hoshi doesnt land a hit. Then, just Chill. Shadow Ball~Double Team~Chill
  10. Dar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Okay, so I know Hoshi will regain his vision soon, so how 'bout another Flash. And I dont trust that Substitute, so use Protect in case it fails, but use Round if it stays up. And if it DOES stay up for the second turn, its not gonna last a third, so use Protect. And if it doesnt stay up during...
  11. Dar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Mad MOAI, youre not allowed to use weather moves.
  12. Dar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Okay, I should probably use Solarbeam since Hoshi is pretty down between his Paralysis, Confusion, and momentarily blindness. But lets use Substitute just in case. Substitute~ Solar Beam (2 turns)
  13. Dar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Okay, i will change my moves. I'll start with Swagger, since it didnt work last time. And then Nature Power and Energy Ball. Swagger~Nature Power~Energy Ball
  14. Dar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    oh sorry. I'll remember on my next pokemon. and edits made |3
  15. Dar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    How bout Drake first? Hm, its probably best to use a couple status moves, and getting them confused isnt bad either. So lets use Swagger first. We really should get an attack in there, so use Energy Ball, and then finish with a Flash. Swagger~Energy Ball~ Flash
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