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Search results

  1. Whirlpool

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Mewtini

    Round 6 Squornshellous Beta (O) Desa (F) <Inner Focus> Health: 33% Energy: 38% Commands: Gust / Chill ~ Gust / Chill ~ Zen Headbutt / Chill - Ready to end this. Paralyzed (Mild). Mewtini (O) Zubat Blind Echo (F) <Inner Focus> Health: 11% Energy: 64% Commands: Zen Headbutt + Air Slash /...
  2. Whirlpool

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Mewtini

    Re: Squornshellous Beta vs. Psychtini Round 5 Squornshellous Beta (O) Desa (F) <Inner Focus> Health: 33% Energy: 46% Commands: Zen Headbutt/Secret Power/Chill ~ Zen Headbutt/Secret Power/Chill ~ Zen Headbutt/Secret Power/Chill - Trying to get ahold of herself. Confused (Light; 20% chance of...
  3. Whirlpool

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Mewtini

    Re: Squornshellous Beta vs. Psychtini Round 4 Squornshellous Beta (O) Desa (F) <Inner Focus> Health: 49% Energy: 44% Commands: Chill ~ Zen Headbutt/Chill ~ Zen Headbutt/Chill - Head starting to clear up. Confused (Light; 20% chance of being fully confused). Psychtini (O) Zubat Blind Echo...
  4. Whirlpool

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Mewtini

    Re: Squornshellous Beta vs. Psychtini Round 3 Squornshellous Beta (O) Desa (F) <Inner Focus> Health: 85% Energy: 62% Commands: Secret Power/Zen Headbutt/Safeguard ~ Secret Power/Zen Headbutt/Safeguard ~ Secret Power/Zen Headbutt/Safeguard - Flying around in circles. Confused (Mild; 15%...
  5. Whirlpool

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Mewtini

    Round 2 Squornshellous Beta (O) Desa (F) <Inner Focus> Health: 89% Energy: 81% Commands: Zen Headbutt/Secret Power ~ Zen Headbutt/Secret Power ~ Zen Headbutt/Secret Power - Perching from a branch. Mewtini (O) Zubat Blind Echo (F) <Inner Focus> Health: 81% Energy: 93% Commands: Sleep Talk ~...
  6. Whirlpool

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Mewtini

    Looking over the carefully folded slip of paper in his hand, the ref raises his eyebrows; really, just the "hunting grounds" part of the location is rather vague, let alone the "Zubat" part. Soon enough, though, he pops out of thin air with a Ralts, and not one, not two, but three Zubat crash...
  7. Whirlpool

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Mewtini

    Squornshellous Beta's Zubat ZubatDesa (F) <Inner Focus> Mewtini's Zubat ZubatBlind Echo (F) <Inner Focus> - Uh, should we have a slightly longer to indefinite DQ time for you, Mewtini? Or do you think you can get on once a week? - Mewtini sends out (rather uselessly) first, Squorn sends out...
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