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Search results

  1. Elliekat

    Cherry's Bakery

    Sure! I can change it :) Thanks! So OK now, it will be more around 1/100. Ok.
  2. Elliekat

    Cherry's Bakery

    Sure! I can change it :) Thanks! So OK now, it will be more around 1/100. Ok.
  3. Elliekat

    Cherry's Bakery

    I believe it's 1/20. But my RNG is giving out a lot of shinies. I'd expect a long long string of nonshinies after this.
  4. Elliekat

    Cherry's Bakery

    James: Male Spoink, Female Sandshrew, and Female Igglybuff! Full Metal Cookies: Female Mareep, Male Marill, and Shiny Female Sableye!
  5. Elliekat

    Cherry's Bakery

    Blaziherio: Male Whismur get!
  6. Elliekat

    Cherry's Bakery

    Mewtwo: You find a female Mareep! Blaziheirio889: You find a male Nidoran, a shiny female Ralts, and a female Abra!
  7. Elliekat

    Cherry's Bakery

    Female Meowth, and shiny female Skitty!
  8. Elliekat

    Cherry's Bakery

    All right! The pie contains a male Lickitung! OH YES NEW MECHANIC GUYS! You can now choose to put Sprinkles on your choice of dessert! Pink Sprinkles and Blue Sprinkles cost $3 apiece, and guarantee a female or male Pokemon, respectively. White Sprinkles cost $7, and they up the shiny chance...
  9. Elliekat

    Cherry's Bakery

    Wow, you're really lucky today, Melodic Harmony! You also have found a female Gulpin with your cake! For Amaraia410, you've found a female Mareep, a female Ralts, and a female Nidoran, holding a Shuca Berry!
  10. Elliekat

    Cherry's Bakery

    Mewtwo: You find a male Sableye! It's holding something shiny- a Yache Berry! You also find a male Larvitar, holding a Rawst Berry! How lucky! werefish5: Nope, you don't have to worry about it, I take care of it all :D And, you find a female Meowth, holding a Durin Berry! (Wow, everyone's...
  11. Elliekat

    Cherry's Bakery

    You receive a female Rattata -holding a Shuca Berry- and a male Mareep!
  12. Elliekat

    Cherry's Bakery

    You find a male Swinub!
  13. Elliekat

    Cherry's Bakery

    You find a Nidoran female, a male Meowth, a male Sandshrew, and a female Skitty!
  14. Elliekat

    Cherry's Bakery

    You found a male Meowth!
  15. Elliekat

    Cherry's Bakery

    @Darksong- Yes, you can take him. Thanks for stopping by! @Cryptica- You find a female Skitty, a shiny Nidoran female, and a male Shuckle. Wow, my RNG really likes you today O.o (I have to get a one out of 100 twice in a row for a shiny.)
  16. Elliekat

    Cherry's Bakery

    As you look at the cake display, you notice movements behind one large carrot cake. Peering behind, you find a... female Swinub! But wait... what is it holding? You gently tug away a... Lum Berry!
  17. Elliekat

    Cherry's Bakery

    Zekieranator You walk over to a display of tarts and choose one. As you reach toward it, you hear a noise. You lift up the tart to find... (female)! Dybael The girl takes two pies out of the oven. "We keep the oven at low temperatures because we get so many Pokemon in here," she explains. "Oh...
  18. Elliekat

    Cherry's Bakery

    Ultraviolet The girl hurries off and comes back with two pies, still warm. As you take them, you notice movement inside. You poke them and out comes.... (female) and (female)! You notice that Spoink is holding something. A leftover ingredient, perhaps? You look closer and see that it is a...
  19. Elliekat

    Cherry's Bakery

    You open the door to the building, and a warm, sweet smell floats toward you. A teenage girl holding a bowl full of some kind of pudding walks up to you. She has a Torchic-patterned shirt. "Hi, welcome to Cherry's Bakery! We sell all kinds of pies and sweets here, but be careful- sometimes...
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