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Search results

  1. Squornshellous Beta

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Mewtini

    Gust, as weakly as you can, twice, to trigger the Protect conditionals. Then Zen Headbutt. If you're going to paralysisfail on an action, Chill instead. And actually do it this time. I want that bat to be a smudge of red and blue by the end of this D< Gust / Chill ~ Gust / Chill ~ Zen Headbutt...
  2. Squornshellous Beta

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Mewtini

    Re: Squornshellous Beta vs. Psychtini Adskl;. Zen Headbutt, Secret Power if you can't do that for whatever reason, and if you feel like you're going to paralysisfail or confusionfail then Chill to try and ward it off, k? Zen Headbutt / Secret Power / Chill ~ Zen Headbutt / Secret Power / Chill...
  3. Squornshellous Beta

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Mewtini

    Re: Squornshellous Beta vs. Psychtini Okay awesome. If you think you can manage it, Zen Headbutt; if you feel too confused for it, Chill and try to clear your head. On the first action just Chill regardless. Chill ~ Zen Headbutt / Chill ~ Zen Headbutt / Chill
  4. Squornshellous Beta

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Mewtini

    Sleep Talk does indeed use all moves available to a Pokémon. And yes, the poisoning was an oversight on my part; we'll say that it works, though, maybe because it's a poison they're unfamiliar with. Anyway! Desa. Secret Power till she's asleep again, then Zen Headbutt. If she tries to get you...
  5. Squornshellous Beta

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Mewtini

    Forget strategy, let's just attack blindly. Zen Headbutt; if she wakes up Secret Power until she falls asleep and repeat. Zen Headbutt / Secret Power ~ Zen Headbutt / Secret Power ~ Zen Headbutt / Secret Power
  6. Squornshellous Beta

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Mewtini

    GEE I WONDER WHO I SHOULD USE OH I KNOW GO DESA Hmmm. Let's try and mess with her. Confuse Ray first. Then Secret Power - I'd like to note that this field is not domesticated grass - to try and get it to sleep. If it's asleep, try Zen Headbutt. If, for any reason, Confuse Ray wouldn't work...
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