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Search results

  1. Eifie

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Round Thirteen Dark Koala (1/2 left) Sandile Rex ♂ Ability: Moxie Health: 12% Energy: 62% Status: Snickering quietly to himself in his exhaustion. Commands: Dig (down) ~ Dig (up) ~ Stone Edge Mad MOAI (1/2 left) Volbeat Solas ♂ Ability: Swarm Health: 17% Energy: 53% Status: Rather shaken...
  2. Eifie

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Round Twelve Dark Koala (1/2 left) Sandile Rex ♂ Ability: Moxie Health: 43% Energy: 75% Status: Starting to tire, but feeling pretty good about the way things are going. Commands: Rock Tomb ~ Fire Fang ~ Earthquake/Fire Fang Mad MOAI (1/2 left) Volbeat Solas ♂ Ability: Swarm Health: 25%...
  3. Eifie

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Round Eleven Dark Koala (1/2 left) Sandile Rex ♂ Ability: Moxie Health: 78% Energy: 84% Status: Grinning triumphantly. Confused (moderate); 20% fail chance. Commands: Rock Slide ~ Dig (down) ~ Dig (up) Mad MOAI (1/2 left) Volbeat Solas ♂ Ability: Swarm Health: 42% Energy: 82% Status: Cursing...
  4. Eifie

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Round Ten Dark Koala (1/2 left) Sandile Rex ♂ Ability: Moxie Health: 100% Energy: 100% Status: Not at all pleased with this weather. Commands: Fire Fang ~ Rock Tomb/Payback ~ Stone Edge Mad MOAI (1/2 left) Volbeat Solas ♂ Ability: Swarm Health: 75% Energy: 96% Status: Quite shaken. That wasn't...
  5. Eifie

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Round Nine Dark Koala (2/2 left) Seedot Drake ♂ Ability: Chlorophyll Health: 23% Energy: 42% Status: Tired, but victorious. -1 Accuracy. Commands: Explosion Mad MOAI (1/2 left) Volbeat Solas ♂ Ability: Swarm Health: 100% Energy: 100% Status: Smugly confident. Commands: Bug Buzz ~ Signal Beam ~...
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