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Search results

  1. The Omskivar

    Frost Mountain

    MewMew:) Swoobat Male RK-9 Mankey Female
  2. The Omskivar

    Frost Mountain

    Switch'd. Geodude Male Balls x3 (Gurdurr, Cleffa, Boldore)
  3. The Omskivar

    Frost Mountain

    Gurdurr Female Another female bodybuilder.
  4. The Omskivar

    Frost Mountain

    XD pass it is. Duskull Male Balls x3 (Machoke, Cleffa, Boldore)
  5. The Omskivar

    Frost Mountain

    I dunno, I just hate it because it's so common in-game. RK-9: Snorunt Female Balls x2 (Abomasnow, Gloom, Piloswine, Sawsbuck) Mewmew:): Snorunt Male Balls x3 (Machoke, Cleffa, Boldore) DOUBLE SNORUNT ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE SKY!!!!!
  6. The Omskivar

    Frost Mountain

    Really? Those things are everywhere. Anyway, the RNG gods seem to love you. So here's a Rare. Sawsbuck Male Balls x5 (Abomasnow, Gloom, Piloswine)
  7. The Omskivar

    Frost Mountain

    Piloswine Female
  8. The Omskivar

    Frost Mountain

    RK-9: Nincada Female Balls x5 (Abomasnow, Gloom) Mewmew:): Boldore Male (bad luck, an uncommon yet a rather undesirable one) Balls x5 (Machoke, Cleffa)
  9. The Omskivar

    Frost Mountain

    Thanks, Squorn, I really appreciate it. It's just...annoying. RK-9: Gloom Male Balls x5 (Abomasnow) Mewmew:): Cleffa Female Balls x5 (Machoke)
  10. The Omskivar

    Frost Mountain

    Yes, you can. That makes $6 total--$2 for entry, $4 for Pokemon. Also, in case you were curious, I was spamming the RNG and I found out that it is indeed possible to get a shiny. So the gods just hate you :P Furthermore, Squorn and I have discussed it and we will be implementing a $1 fee for...
  11. The Omskivar

    Frost Mountain

    Vanillite Male
  12. The Omskivar

    Frost Mountain

    At least you're not killing things. DarkAura Nincada Female Mewmew:) Uncommon it is! Machoke Female
  13. The Omskivar

    Frost Mountain

  14. The Omskivar

    Frost Mountain

    Ferroseed Male
  15. The Omskivar

    Frost Mountain

    Thus the RNG gods bless you with the lowest number possible. Twice. The irony astounds me. Oddish Female
  16. The Omskivar

    Frost Mountain

    Still, after a while it just gets annoying. I'd prefer you stop. Just high enough to get a Rare. Weavile Female
  17. The Omskivar

    Frost Mountain

    Dude. Calm the hell down. No need to cuss all over my mountain. Hey, haven't had this one yet! Shelmet Male
  18. The Omskivar

    Frost Mountain

    Patrat Nevermind, they hate you again. It's a Female
  19. The Omskivar

    Frost Mountain

    Mmmkay. At least you didn't ignore this one. Bronzong The RNG gods know what you want, and they will continue to lurk in the higher numbers, just single digits away from a shiny. Even though this was 12 away, but whatever.
  20. The Omskivar

    Frost Mountain

    You got another Super Rare. A mere 3 away from a shiny. Venusaur Male
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