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  1. mewtini

    posting on public forums is scary

    Then You Can't Play. goodbye mawile.
  2. mewtini

    posting on public forums is scary

    eifie this is literally devastating for me. why are you retiring just as i play my first (1st) mafia game?!
  3. mewtini

    posting on public forums is scary

    eifie's saying that tvt and Cats (2019) are fake. it's just insulting, frankly. >:(
  4. mewtini

    posting on public forums is scary

    are you breaking up with me tbh
  5. mewtini

    posting on public forums is scary

    life isn't fair buddy. >:(
  6. mewtini

    posting on public forums is scary

    dude using the edit function to fix my mistakes feels so good. i need to get out of the mafia forum. except now, because you've immortalized my fuckup. thanks a lot mawile
  7. mewtini

    posting on public forums is scary

    there's a lot of Me in this thread. i really appreciate it imagine being able to complete optimization problems using scipy but not being able to use bbcode. couldn't be me, because i can't complete optimization problems!
  8. mewtini

    posting on public forums is scary

    this thread is a compsci party tbqh.
  9. mewtini

    posting on public forums is scary

    me @ you rn
  10. mewtini

    posting on public forums is scary

    you're actually not allowed to play mafia here. sorry. i don't make the rules !
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