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Search results

  1. ignore_this_acct

    Obsessive Scribblers: Reborn

    Testing out a couple of new things I'm trying out a more realistic style, along with clothing folds. I drew this English on the back of a study guide.
  2. ignore_this_acct

    Obsessive Scribblers: Reborn

    I added a couple of links that were posted by CL on the first post. If anyone else knows of any good drawing resources, please post them and I'll add them to the list. Pathos, I absolutely love the shading, chibi cuteness, and details that you put into it
  3. ignore_this_acct

    Obsessive Scribblers: Reborn

    Any criticism is appreciated. I'll be sure to keep those things in mine
  4. ignore_this_acct

    Obsessive Scribblers: Reborn

    I made this for my crush! The Japanese says "I love you" :3
  5. ignore_this_acct

    Obsessive Scribblers: Reborn

    Hooray! People are actually picking up on the club :3 Soooo anyyywayyyyy Americanized Miku. She's not really all that cute, and she looks a little demented A quick drawing of a person. The shading above the highlight is a little awkward because some leftover eraser shavings got in the way...
  6. ignore_this_acct

    Obsessive Scribblers: Reborn

    Welcome to the land of Obsessive Scribblers! General I remember Obsessive Scribblers used to be pretty big about a year ago, so I decided to revive the thread. Anyway, this thread can be described as a general art club/thread where people show their artwork, and others comment on it. If...
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