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Search results

  1. Negrek

    Grass King's Damage Influencing Centre

    2x muscle band, wise glasses, and 10x blackglasses. $107
  2. Negrek

    Grass King's Damage Influencing Centre

    Would like muscle band.
  3. Negrek

    Grass King's Damage Influencing Centre

    Want poison barb, soft sand, and life orb. $24
  4. Negrek

    Grass King's Damage Influencing Centre

    They're evolution items, so they're sold through the registration office.
  5. Negrek

    Grass King's Damage Influencing Centre

    I think I'll cash in this offer on some wise glasses. Thanks again!
  6. Negrek

    Grass King's Damage Influencing Centre

    Yes, you just claim it.
  7. Negrek

    Grass King's Damage Influencing Centre

    Muscle band over here. $10
  8. Negrek

    Grass King's Damage Influencing Centre

    I'd like a metronome, blackglasses, wise glasses, and a dragon fang. Oughta be $34.
  9. Negrek

    Grass King's Damage Influencing Centre

    Nope. And I think the time limit on Kusari's stuff is only for some specific items, but I'm too lazy to look.
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