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Search results

  1. Grass King

    Grass King's Damage Influencing Centre

    1 Life Orb and 1 Expert Belt, both for blazheirio889. $20
  2. Grass King

    Grass King's Damage Influencing Centre

    Err Barubu, bank link?
  3. Grass King

    Grass King's Damage Influencing Centre

    1 Nevermeltice & 1 Miracle Seed both going to Blastoise for his birthday. $14
  4. Grass King

    Grass King's Damage Influencing Centre

    $14 for a Twistedspoon and a Spell Tag
  5. Grass King

    Grass King's Damage Influencing Centre

    I am happy to announce that we have recently recieved a shipment of very shiny gems from the Unova region. These products have been added to the list on the front of the page. Enjoy! :) (Personal Note: Till Completed)
  6. Grass King

    Grass King's Damage Influencing Centre

    Buying a Dread Plate Bank
  7. Grass King

    Grass King's Damage Influencing Centre

    There's no waiting time.
  8. Grass King

    Grass King's Damage Influencing Centre

    Grass King's Damage Influencing Centre A medium sized building that has several windows, each displaying different Pokemon using attacks. The is a small sign on top, which reads: Grass King's Damage Influencing Centre. The sign also has a Miracle Seed on the left, and a Twistedspoon on the...
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