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Search results

  1. Ambyssin

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    "Great!" Nova's fish tail wagged. "I'll see if I can make that happen." He got to his feet. Nova hadn't exactly gotten the answers that he was looking for. But some leads were better than none. "Thank you for your help. Good luck with the Fragment." Nova bobbed his head in a farewell greeting...
  2. Ambyssin

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    "Absolutely," Nova said, nodding. "And, uh, if you'd like to meet Sage -- the graydian we rescued -- I'm sure I could arrange something."
  3. Ambyssin

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    "If that's the vibe you're getting off it, I'd run with it." Nova paused a beat, then quipped, "Figuratively speaking. We already did all the literal running from that quaquaval clown."
  4. Ambyssin

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    "Our time here is fleeting," Nova said. "Whoever summoned Jessie Stranger didn't handle our arrival. I don't think... we can plant our roots here and call this our home even if we want to. "Even if... it might be better for my home if I stayed here." He shook his head. "I think that kind of...
  5. Ambyssin

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    Nova glanced at the Relic Fragment. "I dunno. You helped cure my friends of Alexander's corruption. And guided us through the Oasis." He tilted his head. "And, uh, unless I took a nastier blow to the head recently than I thought, weren't you the only non-Wayfarer in the Oasis with us?" Nova...
  6. Ambyssin

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    Nova shook his head. "A different entity actually reached out to us a few weeks back. They're the one who floated the idea there are deeper issues going on with Forlas. And, well, I'm inclined to believe them, even if we might have different ideas about it."
  7. Ambyssin

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    "I was hoping to talk with her about it, yeah." Nova sighed. "Sorry. I didn't intend for it to get so heavy." He pecked at his white fur a bit. Still matted and knotted up from the fight yesterday. "I just have this feeling that, y'know, maybe Cipher isn't why we're here. That if we leave after...
  8. Ambyssin

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    "What about the people of Forlas?" Nova tilted his head. "I mean, both you guys and the Escarpa helped with the Terminal Two raid, for example." He looked up at the ceiling. "Whether Forlas was created by Saints like an arceus or through some... cosmic phenomenon -- and whether it always gave...
  9. Ambyssin

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    "What if you could change it?" Nova wondered. "Would you... want it to be different? For the world to stop granting immense strength to outsiders regardless of whether they want to help or harm Forlas?"
  10. Ambyssin

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    So, other humans had fallen through by complete and total accident? Good to know, Nova supposed. "Either way..." He looked down at his gold talons. "Intentional or accident. One or multiple. Don't you think it's--" Nova stopped himself, unsure how to finish his question. There were a few words...
  11. Ambyssin

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    "I think that's... what he's like back home. You'd have to ask Mhynt for the details, though." Nova shook his head. "It's not just him, though. There's us, of course. But also the Cipher admins." He paused. "And what about the Entropic Crisis a while back? It was an offworlder who solved that...
  12. Ambyssin

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    "Some Wayfarers went there," Nova said. "It seems to have become the home of the zweilous that attacked your caravan. And, from what I understand, the insides now resemble where Mhynt and that zweilous are from." He lifted a foreleg and waved it around in the air. "There was a horde of these...
  13. Ambyssin

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    "Ah." Nova's crest feathers dimmed. "I don't really know much myself, but from what the Cipher admins told us, they sound like a group obsessed with the Saints and legendary pokémon. They sold ARK to Cipher in exchange for scraps of their technology." He had to bite back the resentment in his...
  14. Ambyssin

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    "Some group called the Covenant," Nova said. "Are you familiar with them?"
  15. Ambyssin

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    Nova shook his head. "It's different, though. Compared to the likes of, say, kecleon or greninja, who need to focus their auras or be struck by attacks for their types to change. This is an at-will thing. And with it..." He concentrated. That bubbling power from the fight in the outskirts...
  16. Ambyssin

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    "It's a possibility. Back home, Arceus is said to embody all the types. And has artifacts to change its type at will." Nova's left cheek bolt opened with a hydraulic hiss. He reached into his satchel and pulled out the yellow electric-type disk to slot in to the open cheek bolt. It shut and a...
  17. Ambyssin

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    "Not necessarily. But in my own world... I was built after the supposed Creator of the universe itself: Arceus, the Original One." Nova set his satchel down. "You can read auras, right? Your psychic sense would tell you I have a normal aura, then." He looked to the wyrdeer for confirmation.
  18. Ambyssin

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    So, it was like back home, where they were nonexistent. Until they weren't. "I think they could be real," Nova said. "And I think... I'm the proof of that." He paused. "Well, Gladion, ARK, and I."
  19. Ambyssin

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    "I was actually hoping to understand how their powers... interact with Forlas." Nova lifted his foreleg and traced a circle. "What sorts of effects they have on the world. It sounds like the Purifying Saint's dungeon reflected their powers... so maybe the other divine dungeons out there work...
  20. Ambyssin

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    Saints held great power over their domains? That sure sounded like the kind of legendary feats Nova was interested in. Sybil's request sounded right up his alley, then. "I'd be happy to," Nova said.
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