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Search results

  1. MintyMimix

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    Ghaspius remained unfazed by the Zapdos's answer. Instead, he held up the Oran-stained cloth to the combatant, but didn't push it onto him. "It almost sounds as if ya used to have someone you could've proved things to," he remarked with a voice as wistful as the idle wind.
  2. MintyMimix

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    Ghaspius had silently listened in on the conversation as he pulled out handed around seeds, berries, and helped to patch up the bruises and burns on each of his fellow Wayfarers. "Ya know, all of that is predicated on the assumption that all folks are inherently selfish," he said, applying an...
  3. MintyMimix

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    The headstrong gaze in Koa's eyes had been obvious even to an airhead like Ghaspius. For the briefest of moments, he swore he saw a Shinx in place of the Electrike, and just like her, this one was about to charge face-first into danger. With a harsh blink, the vision faded as he shook his head...
  4. MintyMimix

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    Between the furious flurry of stomps, kicks, and wingbeats, the Mismagius was having a rough time staying in the fight. A few bits of his cloth had already become tattered and torn, and the winds had flung his light body up, down, and all around as though he were a paper doll. Still, the others...
  5. MintyMimix

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    The barrage of replies gave Ghaspius a bit of pause. While he certainly had his own remarks to the Saint on the tip of his tongue, he couldn't help but wonder just how he'd respond to the others first. So instead, he simply glared at the Zapdos, and began to rummage through his bag and prepare...
  6. MintyMimix

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    A serious affair called for serious medical supplies. Ghaspius was more than happy to lug around a bounty of salves, bandages, and homemade brews for the inevitable damage was to follow. While the Wayfarers were certainly a tough bunch, he couldn't help but worry about whether or not they'd...
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