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Search results

  1. Tetra

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    Maybe we wouldn't need offworlders 'playing' heroes if we didn't have saints like you. This would have been a dream come true back home. Challenging a legend. Proving. Instead he only felt disappointment. No clear answers. No reason. Zapdos could behave however he liked, because few could stop...
  2. Tetra

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    Selfish jerk. Deep breaths. Calm. Now wasn't a good time to start another fight, even if they had won... "Fine. Don't owe them anything. But go exist somewhere else and leave these innocent people alone. Tear up an empty canyon." So his guess had been wrong then. This Zapdos was unrelated to...
  3. Tetra

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    Koa stiffened. "Your own rules? So you don't care to change? To do anything but hide behind claims of balance and storms because you're nothing but a lowly bully?" He could feel his disdain rising once again for this Zapdos, this thing that carried the visage of a legendary but behaved like a...
  4. Tetra

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    Had Zapdos listened at all? Or did he just not care? Disappointed pooled in Koa's chest. "You don't get to make people's lives worse because you feel like it. You're not a storm, you're a Saint." His voice came out more forceful than berating. "How does turning people vengeful help?" This time...
  5. Tetra

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    Koa steeled himself as Zapdos spoke, nodding as he listened to the others. "They're right." Somewhere under his annoyance he felt a flicker of pity for Zapdos. Expectations... Clearly Saints here were not at all like Legends back home, even in how they got their powers. Or how long they had...
  6. Tetra

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    Koa nodded as Steven spoke, glad that he'd spoken first. It gave him a chance to gather his addled thoughts and quell his annoyance. "No, we won't be. Because that's not what strength is for," he growled. Had Zapdos paid attention to anything that had happened? "It's not about crushing anyone...
  7. Tetra

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    Koa felt the strike, and then nothing. Nothing until is vision slowly swam back into focus, and the rest of his senses trickled back in and the world stopped spinning quite so fast. Zapdos' voice rang across fields. A challenge, even though Koa couldn't organize his thoughts enough to make out...
  8. Tetra

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    The distant sounds of the battle and the hazy images of his teammates swam into focus. His body spasmed, and he coughed, spitting up sand and grit. Bitter fury and determination gave him an extra spark of strength as he staggered back to his paws, trying to blink away the doubles of Zapdos...
  9. Tetra

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    Koa shook off the bone rattling attack and faced the Zapdos, still burning with determination. The electricity in the air and running through his body made his fur stand on end. He could feel it coating his whole body, strengthening him. rearing up, he slammed his paws together, generating a...
  10. Tetra

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    "Is that all you can muster?" Koa snapped in reply. He barely even felt Zapdos wings buffet him. They had to break that shield if the others were going to get in a hit. I can do this. He sprinted across the field, shattering an orb before lunging at Zapdos, paws crackling with electricity. He...
  11. Tetra

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    How about I tame your face with my fist? All that talk about power, and had the stupid bird raised a single talon against Cipher? The Covenant? Any of the other threats here? At least the weather could be helpful sometimes. A so called saint that did nothing with its power was worse than...
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