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Search results

  1. Aisling

    The "Fwee" Thread

    My boyfriend's character is finally on Crystal Desert server now so we can all play Guild Wars 2 together YAY
  2. Aisling

    Holiday wishlists?

    Dude! Anyway my list is like. iPhone. Or just a new phone. Maybe a little money. I have too many games I want to pin down just one I'd like to have for Christmas.
  3. Aisling

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Got my human ecology project finished! That was the last big, looming thing I have to do this semester. Well, besides trying to get accepted into my school's teacher education program, but I'm not trying to register for any upper-division classes, so I'm assuming I have the rest of the semester...
  4. Aisling

    Adding ghost shrimp to the aquarium made it like 5x more fun to watch I love their shenanigans

    Adding ghost shrimp to the aquarium made it like 5x more fun to watch I love their shenanigans
  5. Aisling

    not much. shit is going down in the Vampire: Masquerade game I'm in right now. I've been...

    not much. shit is going down in the Vampire: Masquerade game I'm in right now. I've been aquarium-ing. And I found my old Pokemon Yellow earlier today.
  6. Aisling

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Woke up this morning and none of the ghost shrimp (collectively named Geronimo) I added to Mortimer's tank are dead! I fed them just now by dropping in some of the flakes that were left over from my previous fish (they ate so little! And Mortimer hates them, of course). They woke up and...
  7. Aisling

    Pokémon Name Origins

    Re: Pokémon Name Origins My mind was blown the day I realized Girafarig was a palindrome.
  8. Aisling

    Favourite Final Fantasy music!

    That one's a cover of it, I meant this one. (while trying to find this one I found a couple more versions with different instrumentals and singers but the same lyrics, now I wonder which is the original...) It always made me think of Tzee Xicu (even though she's from the other continent) because...
  9. Aisling

    Favourite Final Fantasy music!

    Ronfaure is 11. I do like it a lot, and it would've been 10 but I remembered Melodies of Life existed and had to put it in there somewhere. And I like Mhaura a little better because of memories attached to it. I remember finding a really pretty vocal version of Ronfaure sung in some nonsense...
  10. Aisling

    Child Discipline

    Sorry for the double post or whatever but my human ecology teacher just shared a horrifying story with our class and I figured it was probably relevant here (trigger warning I guess is appropriate here) Way back in the 70's when she was teaching elementary, she was supposed to paddle a row of...
  11. Aisling

    Favourite Final Fantasy music!

    omg 1 Kazham (XI) 2 The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah (XI) 3 Recollection (XI) 4 Sarutabaruta (XI) 5 Opening Theme (III DS) (idk what it's called) 6 Selbina (XI) 7 Matoya's Cave (I) 8 Rolanberry Fields (XI) 9 Mhaura (XI) 10 Melodies of Life (IX) ok that was really hard and yes it's almost all from FFXI...
  12. Aisling

    Greatest Fears/Phobias

    I have a fear of abandonment, spiders, heights, deep water, and more intense fears of needles, giving speeches or presentations, and pain. None of them are quite phobias, though the more intense ones bring on uncontrollable shaking and sometimes crying (but ironically I really enjoy pain in very...
  13. Aisling

    alraune likes input pls

    Redesign options #2. Droopy ears, more rooty tail. Better, worse? (I like it better imo)
  14. Aisling

    You know you've been at TCoD too long when

    oh my god my mind just got bLOWN OMG I never made that connection before I was just browsing the old forums and I missed my TCoD 8-year-versary on Sept 4 oh well
  15. Aisling

    TCoD Memes

    Oh shit I remember bricked too man I should figure out how long I've been here I think reputation should be a meme. if TCoD gets any memes out of anything it should be out of debacles from our past drama history
  16. Aisling

    alraune likes input pls

    Re: NON-SEQUITUR THREAD TITLE assorted arting things Simon the septopus (a knitted octopus with seven legs that my boyfriend got me for my birthday earlier this year) I also attempted to start daily doodles but that only lasted a week before I got overwhelmed with school Alraune Cubone...
  17. Aisling

    Child Discipline

    I think it depends on the parent. My dad's definition of talking back seems to range from asking why to telling him to stop doing something to you. In other words, just questioning his authority.
  18. Aisling

    happy birthday to me

    Hope your day yesterday improved :C And that today is better! Happy late birthday!!
  19. Aisling

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I finally figured out what to get my boyfriend for our one year anniversary! A matching set of Amulets of Mara! It's, like, perfect.
  20. Aisling

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Four days later and my baby betta is thriving! I decided to name him Mortimer. He has a 2.5 gallon tank with a filter, light and heater! Just in time for winter. No more tiny cups and bowls for this guy! His tail is starting to look like a crowntail's, I'm really excited about seeing how he grows!
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