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Search results

  1. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    Odette's quick and easy answer relieved whatever tension Kimiko built up from asking about her jaws. Clearly it took a lot to really rattle her - and it wasn't like it was a secret that the big mouth could be loud. So Kimiko shot back her own grin again. "Find any takers yet?" It took a few...
  2. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    There was an angle Kimiko hadn't considered. Places like this were full of people chatting freely, so it made sense that Odette would be overhearing rumors and gossip and such. Who knew how likely they were to be anything of value, but the chances of that were higher than doing one-off solo jobs...
  3. Shadow Serenity

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Kimiko offered a nod in wordless thanks. Even if none of the others could, she probably could have reached it with her vines (well, this tower's light, anyway), but it was one less thing they had to worry about now. Then their guide left them and further silence followed. The creaking of the...
  4. Shadow Serenity

    Blaguarro Town Main Station

    Three 'powerful-aura' pokemon that loitered around. That was a clue if Kimiko ever heard one. Anite clearly didn't trust them, which explained the interrogation. But also one they probably didn't want to confront right now, at least not directly. It took their entire party to handle the mayor...
  5. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    "Okay, good. I just wanted to be sure there was no room for misunderstanding. I'm a little sensitive about stepping on people's toes, I guess. Both figuratively and literally. Provided they actually have toes." Kimiko couldn't help but grin. Odette was easy to talk to.Her nerves had settled...
  6. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    "I wouldn't be surprised if there's more than just us," Kimiko replied. "But I am surprised to see someone else actively pursuing it, so I get what you mean. Having someone to talk to about something normal will be..." She paused a moment to try to find the right word. "Welcome," she settled on...
  7. Shadow Serenity

    Blaguarro Town Main Station

    "They don't sound familiar to me, either," Kimiko muttered. Odette didn't either... Kimiko thought that maybe some of the group who's originally landed in this area might know something about these three specific 'mon, but apparently not. "Can't say for sure any of us are acquainted with anyone...
  8. Shadow Serenity

    Blaguarro Town Main Station

    Teleport could be an option... some kind of illusion magic, maybe, too... they had a zorua on their side, after all. Or feint attack... There were a dozen ways Kimiko could think of for a pokemon to make someone disappear into thin air, or make it appear so. But now he was asking for energy...
  9. Shadow Serenity

    Blaguarro Town Main Station

    So Jaak had no new information... or well, no, that wasn't true. 'Mon going missing was news to him compared to last time. But that didn't seem to be useful info, given what the party already knew. Either the 'mon started disappearing after the cloud dropped everyone here, or it had been going...
  10. Shadow Serenity

    Blaguarro Town Main Station

    Gods, it was way too early to be dealing with this. It seemed like the group that crash landed in this area had left quite an impression on this gabite. She almost snapped back, "Do you know a machoke named Dayle, by chance?" but caught herself. She knew no one in their group was responsible...
  11. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    Between Greasewood's lighthearted teasing and Odette's approval, Kimiko felt her face begin to heat up in a blush. (Damn it...) Modesty aside, she was proud of herself for proving she was still capable of performing. She set the guitar back into its case, and once again extended a vine to shake...
  12. Shadow Serenity

    Blaguarro Town Main Station

    How in the seven hells did morning people function? When the maus woke her that morning, Kimiko had half a mind to just roll over and go back to sleep. But then, that's not why she'd come here, was it? She'd agreed to go, with the thought that she was one of the more rational ones, and it...
  13. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    A... demonstration? Kimiko would have expected that to come before the acceptance, but she wasn't about to complain just because it had caught her off guard. She assumed he'd meant her voice, since that was the main thing she was here for, but Greasewood darted away and returned before she could...
  14. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    The whimsicott appeared in front of Kimiko before she could blink. She had worried perhaps she might have been a bit too up-front, so she was pleasantly surprised by his response. She could already feel the bundle of nerves settle a bit. Good. Breathe. Relax. It's a gig, not a test. "Kimiko...
  15. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    Of course he would have more than one. Why wouldn't he? What a stupid thing to overlook. Kimiko nodded, grinning now. "I'm looking at a lot of things the wrong way recently. Thank you for the chat, it really helped clear my head a bit and set some things in order. Maybe next time we can chat...
  16. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    Kimiko tilted her head at the comment, taking a moment to consider it. She hadn't wanted to run away, exactly... she was just tired. She'd wanted a break from ghosts and curses and cults. She knew full well going into it that answering this call could be more of the same. There had been no way...
  17. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    "Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense," Kimiko replied with a small chuckle, if only to acknowledge she'd heard the answer. "Something that works for me, huh...?" she said, again under her breath. She took a few moments to respond, mulling over Odette's explanation. She let the drink topic drop; she'd...
  18. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    Odette, huh. Her name sounded human enough, although she was pretty sure there were natural 'mon among the group too, so no way to know for sure based on that. "So you changed the sound to make them better suit the setting," she said with a nod. "Impressive! If you can do that, you can...
  19. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    "Is that implying you've performed some heavier songs here?" Kimiko asked as she followed the mawile to a table, once again observing the guests. "Hard to imagine they would do well, but maybe I'm just not used to this vibe yet." She didn't miss the look the mawile gave her, but figured the...
  20. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    "I tend to prefer mine a little heavier in general, myself," Kimiko said with a nod, then turned to glance over her shoulder at all the guests. "Not sure that would go over well with this crowd, though." She turned back to the mawile with a light shrug. "Don't mind something a bit slower...
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