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    Sorry it took me so long to reply.... It seems every time I get on here, major mishaps happen. :I But thanks for the welcome guys! :> And haha, Male Gardevoir, you look pretty cool to me. Luigi ftw. Are you a hardcore Mismagius fan? Because I am! And thanks so much for the pokewalker help too!
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    The Most Hated Pokemon Ever

    dude I love your signature xD Also.. I don't know which pokemon I hate. :I I don't care for most of the new ones.
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    so do I need to create a wifi pokemon account to get him back? I CAN GET HIM BACK? Oh lord I am so excited my DS won't work on my WIFI but I know I just need to change my security settings
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    Thankyou so much :> But my pokewalker is lost, not broken or misplaced I'm never getting it back. But I need my Murkrow. I got him on WiFi.
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    I'm on Sneasel now. xD So I guess that's close enough right now. Do you know if there's a way to get your wifi pokemon back if you've lost them? :C My pokewalker is long gone.
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    Suggestions Wave goodbye to your secret crap, dumbass!

    Re: Manual Cookie Bucket dude these are fucking awesome I'm only on the avatars xD Can I use the Houndoom one for my avatar? http://alchina.deviantart.com/ Here's my dA, will you add me? :U lol you don't have to do you have a gaia or tinier me? WANNA DRAW EACHOTHERS AVATARS SOEIJFSOIJSOEI
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    Hey! :scared: I'm not really new. But I'm putting this here so the header goes away. I was here back when.. well, when the forums were old. c: I was never allowed to get on because of my stepdad. Remember any of this? Probably not. But this is really KOTF, Keeper of the Flygons. I'm not dead...
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