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Search results

  1. Murkrowfeather

    Go figure. /super late lol

    Go figure. /super late lol
  2. Murkrowfeather

    What are yo supposed to eb doing right now?

    Since I'm supposed to get up at six in the morning tomorrow for animeNEXT ( =D! ) but I'm not sleeping quiiiite yet, I guess I should be doing either that or writing some fanfic or another. Or training my Quilava. Any of the previous would do.
  3. Murkrowfeather

    How many Shiny Pokemon do you have?

    Zero. If that number increases to "One" with the addition of a Zubat, I will die happy.
  4. Murkrowfeather

    Your Oldest Pokemon

    My "oldest" Pokémon have been in a steady procession of game-file maulings, bot intentional and on accident. Right now, perhaps the oldest Pokémon I know of is a... wait for it... Swampert. He's in my Platinum, which is right now sitting across the city on an almost-stranger's bedside table. >C...
  5. Murkrowfeather

    In Progress War inside the machine

    Oh, come on, the stuff you got from FFNet is just Farla. She smacktalks everything in sight and treats her opinion like law - nothing to worry about. Also, at FFNet, you're guaranteed to get no more than 15 reviews unless there's romantic overtones. I haven't read the story itself yet, but I...
  6. Murkrowfeather

    Current Breeding Projects

    I've been working my Jap Ditto overtime to try and get a Shiny Zubat via the almighty Masuda Method. That thing has evaded me for six years and I intend to find one! >(
  7. Murkrowfeather

    One-Shot Beasts Like Us

    Yeah, the dog at the end was Suicune. He is kind of a dog, and the relationship the two had earlier on was very much pet-master... Well, thanks for reviewing, even if it doesn't take up three pages on MS Word. =D
  8. Murkrowfeather

    Random Scribblings 3

    You know one of the things I kept thinking about when I was on my far-too-lengthy TCoD hiatus? Your artwork. No kidding. It was awesome. ...It is still, as a matter of fact, awesome. =D
  9. Murkrowfeather

    What's ironic or surprising in your Pokemon game?

    Uh... not quite. First Stantler used Stomp and KO'd your Pokémon for its half of the turn; you sent out another Pokémon for your half of the turn. The Stantler then proceeded to attack, taking up its half of the turn, but took its turn's Poison damage. It was perfectly fine.
  10. Murkrowfeather

    Finding your old stuff

    Well, first off there's LOLAAC, which can be read on this CoD thread. As the date suggests, it was written around mid-2008, but I also happen to have another chapter-and-a-half (this was all I got to) of an even earlier fic. Hilariously, it made me feel more ashamed of myself than anything else...
  11. Murkrowfeather

    One-Shot Beasts Like Us

    b e a s t s . l i k e . u s One day, the Brass Tower burned down. Again. This was quite a pity for Tabitha Winston, Eusine Barone, and Spike Lobbof. For, though they had escaped the flaming monstrosity with their lives, they were not sure the same could be said for their Pokémon...
  12. Murkrowfeather

    Eheh, but it's actually not posted here. I don't think I'll put it up here again until the...

    Eheh, but it's actually not posted here. I don't think I'll put it up here again until the incredible inevitable rewrite. xD
  13. Murkrowfeather

    Good, good. Lots of fanfiction writing, though fortunately it's infinitely better than the four...

    Good, good. Lots of fanfiction writing, though fortunately it's infinitely better than the four chapters of Metal Coat posted here. (If you're curious/know what I'm talking about, yes, I finished it.)
  14. Murkrowfeather

    Bah, character limits. DX

    Bah, character limits. DX
  15. Murkrowfeather

    So how are yooou~?

    So how are yooou~?
  16. Murkrowfeather

    Your avatar has just become the coolest thing in the universe. :DDDDDDDDD

    Your avatar has just become the coolest thing in the universe. :DDDDDDDDD
  17. Murkrowfeather

    The Bank

    Heya. I'd like to open a bank account and get my paws on a Totodile.
  18. Murkrowfeather

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Reserved HeartGold AND SoulSilver, and would have bought an iTouch too if the store didn't close at six on Sundays. D:
  19. Murkrowfeather


  20. Murkrowfeather

    I'm x Giratina, and mine have some pretty strange ones too. :D Take for example... The Author...

    I'm x Giratina, and mine have some pretty strange ones too. :D Take for example... The Author the Giratina, Lord Rocco the Buneary (soon to be Lopunny), Signal the Regice, Plushie the Metang, and Rodney the soon-to-be Luxray.
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