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Search results

  1. Murkrowfeather

    We settle this. NAO.

    They both FAIL! -shot'd-
  2. Murkrowfeather

    Have your pets ever done something hilarious?

    I ask this because at this moment, my cat is snuggling with my shoe like a pillow. I'm serious. Her head is in the dip where your foot goes and hr paw is in the right place and she's squirming and everything. And now she's squirming around trying to get her head into the foot hole. xDDD It...
  3. Murkrowfeather

    Halloween! xD

    I can't be the first person who's gone as a Murkrow. (YEAH. I MADE THE HAT!) It's awesome. (Next year I will be Sableye!)
  4. Murkrowfeather

    When will YOU reach 100000 posts?!

    About sixty years from now. Stupid hiatus! xD
  5. Murkrowfeather

    Nostalgia in Pokémon Games

    Re: Nostalgia in Pokémon Games Fire Red. Good times, good times. I was playing it all Christmas day and into the night. (I was attracted by the big hulking awesome dragonthing (I later learned it was a Charizard) on the cover. F3) And then Brawl was a nostagiafest.
  6. Murkrowfeather

    What would be a good game story?

    What happened if the Legend went on rampage without the Team's guidance, and you end up trying to help them save the thing? It would be sort of Torn World-like, except a part of the overworld went nuts and everyone isn't themselves and you end up teaming up with the Team's leader or something...
  7. Murkrowfeather

    Website Pet Hates

    Because these pop-ups never stop until you exit the page, which you couldn't do without Force Quitting Firefox, which I really didn't like to do. > <
  8. Murkrowfeather

    Website Pet Hates

    How about those websites that make an endless flow of pop-ups when you hover over a certain picture? I swear. Once, I went on some fansite and when I hovered over a picture of an evil character a pop-up appeared and wouldn't go away. I'm on a Mac, where you can't move the pop-ups. So I...
  9. Murkrowfeather

    Platinum sprites

    MurkrowMurkrowMurkrowMurkrowMurkrowMurkrowMurkrowMurkrowMurkrowMurkrowMurkrowMurkrow Magneton Raichu Persian Mesprit Giratina :O Yay! This is so cool.
  10. Murkrowfeather

    Pokémon Dreams

    Re: Pokémon Dreams Heck, my dream turned into a fanfic. :3 It was about what happened after the events of Diamond and Pearl and DOESN'T involve any of the protagonists (in fact, it focuses more on the aftermath of the -spoiler for people who have not completed DP- and where the heck Team...
  11. Murkrowfeather

    SSB: Pokemon characters you want to see

    I know that, but he's practically useless. *shrug* To me and everyone else I know, anyway.
  12. Murkrowfeather

    SSB: Pokemon characters you want to see

    Lucario was fine with me. I actually liked him a lot more than Mewtwo. I know this would never happen, but Pikachu could be replaced with Raichu. Raichu is faster, cooler, and could whack people with his sort-of spiked tail. Machoke would be okay, or Machamp. Infernape or Empoleon would be fun...
  13. Murkrowfeather

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    Yes. Arceus. :3 But anyway, I do believe there is a God somewhere out there...
  14. Murkrowfeather

    Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom. REQUESTS CLEARED, READ 1ST PAGE

    Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom. Palkia! I have a request for you... Could you make a banner using this image, with text saying 'Palkia - Rider of the Startstream'? Thanks!
  15. Murkrowfeather

    Nostalgia in Pokémon Games

    Re: Nostalgia in Pokémon Games First game was FireRed. When I was like, seven. I lost the cartridge, and my game file was deleted by my cousin - he's older than me, but his mom has a strict video game ban on them. D:
  16. Murkrowfeather

    Swampert forum

    1. Stringy sentences are generally not appreciated here in the Advertising forum. 2. Everyone is mean sometimes. 3. Improve your grammar, and people hopefully won't be so "mean". 4. Mudkips > Swamperts :3
  17. Murkrowfeather

    The Ginga-Dan Two Parter

    Um, DUH. Cyrus, Mars, Jupiter, and everything else that made D/P awesome will be in these episodes. I am so recording themmmmm~
  18. Murkrowfeather

    Gaia Online

    Yeppers. I'm Pink Origami Dragon on Gaia. ^^
  19. Murkrowfeather

    The Clue Game

    I am fairly sure 8 isn't near 7, but can I have a clue for 8?
  20. Murkrowfeather

    Ditto's Docks

    Why would a Ditto need docks? xD Anyway, this is a pretty nice site. The layout won't kill your eyes and never want them to see anything else ever again, but why did you ask your sister to write some content for you? O_o
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