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Search results

  1. Murkrowfeather

    The Clue Game

    Stumped on Clue 5. Halp plox? D:
  2. Murkrowfeather

    Games you really miss playing

    I remember that Lion King game. That and Yoshi's Isle for the SNES were my first games too. xD And, also Aladdin, which i got pretty far in. But then our SNES went Arceus-knows-where and I have to settle with the dreadful DS remake of Yoshi's Isle and SMB.
  3. Murkrowfeather

    How was your school day?

    Oh. No no no. Didn't realize it was a link.
  4. Murkrowfeather

    How was your school day?

    On the bright side, my Math teacher misplaced our homework so we got none. ^^
  5. Murkrowfeather

    How was your school day?

    Lunch And solitude prevails again! Yay! No more strangers looming over me whilst I nom on breakfast cookies. :3 Language Arts *grumblegrumblehiss* Oh, how I despise Language Arts. You see, my print writing tends to be in all caps, with capital letters bigger than lowercase ones. But can I do...
  6. Murkrowfeather

    How was your school day?

    Lunch Evil evil evil. I hate fifth period with all of the atred in my being not reserved for math. It was tabe sign-ups today. Where we sign up today affects where we eat lunch for the rest of the career, and probably for our whole three years at my school. To put it simply, I'm going to be...
  7. Murkrowfeather

    How was your school day?

    Okay then. Only two intresting subjects today... Math Like yesterday; our math teacher accused a boy in my class of having a crush on another girl in my class. Not for more than a few minutes though...best few minutes this year, might I add. Art Painting. UGH. But we were allowed to paint...
  8. Murkrowfeather

    Pokemon Ranger: Do YOU Like it?

    And don't worry about not completig it in time, the plotline is super-short. Shadows of Almia has a lot to make up for.
  9. Murkrowfeather

    How was your school day?

    Social Studies. And I really REALLY wanted yours. xD But. Adding Math nao... Math To be honest, I think we did more LOLing than math. Enough said. Uh...Zeus! Helios! Poseidon! Athena! Artemis! Apollo! Ha- *brick'd*
  10. Murkrowfeather

    How was your school day?

    Lesse... SS Not much happened. We reviewed rules a lot, and wrote something down. DING. I'm going to skip to Art, last period every other day~ Art MY TEACHER KNOWS WHAT ANIME IS. Best class ever. I have to replace it with other meanieface lessons after half the year is up. D:
  11. Murkrowfeather

    Hi. I can't. I did that on my grandmother's PC. I can only use the Mac at my house because my...

    Hi. I can't. I did that on my grandmother's PC. I can only use the Mac at my house because my brother hogs the PC. Sorry.
  12. Murkrowfeather

    Pokemon Ranger: Do YOU Like it?

    No, I didn't like it. The plotline was pretty dumb, the towns based on seasons was just ridiculous, and the 'Go-Rock Squad?' Where did that come from? Don't waste your money, kids. Go buy PMD2 or Digimon World Dusk or something.
  13. Murkrowfeather

    Digimon Species Personality Quiz

    Gray Demidevimon, Goburimon Steel Gear I could probably tell I would be a Dark or Machine digimon (your quiz isn't that hard to figure out), but let's just see if I am right.
  14. Murkrowfeather


    D'AWW I NAMED MY CAT HAWKFROST (before I got far enough to find out he's bad O 3O) THEY SHALL BE WARRIOR NAME BUDDEHS
  15. Murkrowfeather

    What are your favorite song lyrics?

    It's easy - post your favorite song/poem/rap lyrics here. I can't think of many, but one from the song 'What Kind of Pokemon are You' made me laugh... "Good luck with Muk and its Poison Gas, make one wrong move and it'll kick your Grass!" I was really scared the first time I heard that part...
  16. Murkrowfeather

    The people who use the top screen of their DS to play GBA games club

    *raises hand* I tried on the bottom screen once, I didn't like it all that much. Maybe because I'm more used to GBA SPs than regular GBAs. Pink. My DS is gravitationally challenged and yours isn't. Ha ha.
  17. Murkrowfeather

    Swampert forum

    Well then why did you post here? You were only removing more 'sites that deserve constructive criticism' from the list by posting at 'garbage like this'.
  18. Murkrowfeather

    Nintendo sued AGAIN.

    HOLY ARCEUS CRUD. This is like that unknown lady suing J. K. Rowling for stealing Muggles. x.x
  19. Murkrowfeather


    Nice job. I haven't played it yet, but I have played the other DS Digimon games and I'm hoping to get it by Christmas at the most. Gotta love winning free Digimon!
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