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Search results

  1. Meowth

    Coincidences are not tangible, physically-formed entities.

    Coincidences are not tangible, physically-formed entities.
  2. Meowth

    Coincidences are not factories.

    Coincidences are not factories.
  3. Meowth

    It certainly does fasten metal together with a cheerful demeanour.

    It certainly does fasten metal together with a cheerful demeanour.
  4. Meowth

    Utterly fascinating.

    Utterly fascinating.
  5. Meowth

    Much like our correspondence.

    Much like our correspondence.
  6. Meowth

    Are you even words?

    Are you even words?
  7. Meowth

    You non-non-Americans and singularising pluralia tanta when truncating them.

    You non-non-Americans and singularising pluralia tanta when truncating them.
  8. Meowth


  9. Meowth


  10. Meowth


  11. Meowth


  12. Meowth

    It was. I bled to death.

    It was. I bled to death.
  13. Meowth

    It wasn't. Blood was flowing from my lip.

    It wasn't. Blood was flowing from my lip.
  14. Meowth

    My lip is bleeding.

    My lip is bleeding.
  15. Meowth

    That seems a reasonable assumption.

    That seems a reasonable assumption.
  16. Meowth

    After all we've been through. Which is mostly just shitposting, but still.

    After all we've been through. Which is mostly just shitposting, but still.
  17. Meowth

    I can't believe you've done this to me.

    I can't believe you've done this to me.
  18. Meowth

    Well now you've gone and done it.

    Well now you've gone and done it.
  19. Meowth

    If you say so, dear.

    If you say so, dear.
  20. Meowth

    Y not?

    Y not?
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