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Search results

  1. Meowth

    One of my hammerdwarves crushed an elf's balls

    One of my hammerdwarves crushed an elf's balls
  2. Meowth

    fuck you my fort was beautiful

    fuck you my fort was beautiful
  3. Meowth

    If you're delusional, perhaps.

    If you're delusional, perhaps.
  4. Meowth

    Slaughtering my whole fortress wasn't very friendly of them

    Slaughtering my whole fortress wasn't very friendly of them
  5. Meowth

    Well I knew there was som correlation between striking adamantine and digging into the...

    Well I knew there was som correlation between striking adamantine and digging into the underworld but I always assumed it to be less direct. Blindly carving out the entire vein taught me otherwise
  6. Meowth

    I accidentally went to the circus and actually lost a fort to something other than losing interest

    I accidentally went to the circus and actually lost a fort to something other than losing interest
  7. Meowth

    hahaha poise wow great meme

    hahaha poise wow great meme
  8. Meowth

    You're obviously forgetting what an arsehole I am.

    You're obviously forgetting what an arsehole I am.
  9. Meowth

    Which is exactly why I am not bringing you a dream.

    Which is exactly why I am not bringing you a dream.
  10. Meowth

    I refuse.

    I refuse.
  11. Meowth

    I think you're confusing pink horse physics with real life again.

    I think you're confusing pink horse physics with real life again.
  12. Meowth

    I wasn't aware confetti was happening in the first place.

    I wasn't aware confetti was happening in the first place.
  13. Meowth

    Describe your favorite video game and make it sound as bad as possible.

    It's like playing The Sims in Notepad.
  14. Meowth

    You guess correctly, congratulations.

    You guess correctly, congratulations.
  15. Meowth

    I never implied you had not.

    I never implied you had not.
  16. Meowth

    I refuse to beliebe you've read all of them.

    I refuse to beliebe you've read all of them.
  17. Meowth

    Says who?

    Says who?
  18. Meowth

    Or very bizarre facial deformities.

    Or very bizarre facial deformities.
  19. Meowth

    In Star Trek puns, yes.

    In Star Trek puns, yes.
  20. Meowth

    What about your final front ear?

    What about your final front ear?
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