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Search results

  1. The Omskivar


    Pretty much this has been my life for two weeks and I couldn't be more thrilled. I've started three different pocket notebooks for various purposes and content and they're well on their way to being filled, I've already had an audition that I prepared for in less than a day--and I've managed to...
  2. The Omskivar

    It's the same forwards as backwards!

    It's the same forwards as backwards!
  3. The Omskivar

    Superbird vs The Omskivar

    Okay Methuselah, looks like we'll be keeping our distance this round. Don't approach him at all, we don't want to take a Brave Bird if we can help it, but Disable the first Ominous Wind. Then go ahead and Skill Swap away your redundant ability, and then let's throw out a Charge Beam...
  4. The Omskivar

    Superbird vs The Omskivar

    Well he's gotta evolve somehow! Thanks for taking this Eifie :D I'll lead with Methuselah!
  5. The Omskivar

    ASB Team Goal List!

    Aside a dimly lit table lamp on a dimly lit table, an armchair holds a snoozing figure with a pocket notebook open and draped over its face. If carefully removed from its perch, it can be read: If found, please return to The Omskivar To-do -ref fastre -evolve ALL THE THINGS (Stunky, Krabby...
  6. The Omskivar

    Birthday Centre

    Happy birthday Meursault! I bought you a Leaf Stone for your Seedot!
  7. The Omskivar

    Lord of the Fireflies vs The Omskivar

    Alright Marilyn, we're completely toast and we both know it--let's see how maneuverable we can be. While Autumn's still in the bubble, use Psychic to flip her upside-down and backwards. She'll probably KO you first, but we had a good match, right? And now you get to evolve which is just...
  8. The Omskivar

    Signature Booking Office

    Alright, I've removed all of those attacks minus Twineedle--given the overall flavor of a rock-spiked Cascoon, I don't think it's much of a stretch at all. The poison is there, the spikes are there (Shellder and Cloyster both get Twineedle and they're not Rock or Bug types, and Cloyster at...
  9. The Omskivar

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Last week I checked out seven Shakespeare plays from the library. Today I checked out five books of contemporary monologues. It's 5:30am, I've cracked two Amps and one beer, listened to two Gogol Bordello albums (Super Taranta! and Gypsy Punk: Underdog World Strike, both highly recommended)...
  10. The Omskivar

    Signature Booking Office

    I see your attempt to drag a less-than-stellar Pokemon into the limelight, Eifie, and it reminded me of my unrealized effort to do the same with my Cascoon. Cascoon [Bolla] Cascoon (M) Ability: Shed Skin Signature Attribute: Granite Homeostasis Long before humans had ever invented the...
  11. The Omskivar

    Trading Post

    The Cottonee is all yours!
  12. The Omskivar

    Challenge Board

    Dropping my challenge to take you on!
  13. The Omskivar

    Baby Bug Ball Brawl

    Eifie choice-band Vermiculate Monsoon – Scatterbug (♂) @ Choice Band Health: 21% Energy: 23% Ability: Shield Dust Type: Bug Condition: Feeling accomplished. Status: Normal. Actions: Tackle @ Balls ~ String Shot @ Balls ~ Tackle @ Ball ball @ Garchomp I liek Squirtles kricketot Deedle Deedle...
  14. The Omskivar

    Lord of the Fireflies vs The Omskivar

    Ooooookay well I don't have extremely high hopes for this battle as a whole, so I think we can do without Rock Slide in the name of wasting an action. Telekinesis? What a good idea! Had I known it'd come down to Gothita v Snorunt, I wouldn't have done it earlier (now the shock value has worn...
  15. The Omskivar

    Trading Post

    Nope! That'll be $13 for everything, $9 for the Happiny and $4 for the Oval Stone (unfortunately I'd rather have a Torrent Mudkip than a Damp one). She's all yours!
  16. The Omskivar

    Trading Post

    I'm feeling guilty about these guys sitting around in the PC, so I'm looking for a good home for my Aron, Happiny, Minccino, Spinarak, and Cottonee! If you have less than 10 Pokemon, they are free of charge; otherwise, 60% rarity price (full $13 for the Happiny plus its held Oval Stone).
  17. The Omskivar

    The Omskivar vs. Totodile

    Well Groggy, we gave it our all, so let's try for all-out damage and see where it gets us. First, let's Thief that Dusk Stone (go ahead and drop your Lucky Egg), then Fire Blast away--and try to agitate the burn as much as possible. If a Skeletal Buddy shows up on Perry's side, use Incinerate...
  18. The Omskivar

    JackPK vs The Omskivar

    Alright Tickle, the first thing we're going to do is us Smelling Salts to take advantage of the paralysis while it's still there. Then, since we didn't prevent them from stealing the berry, you can tank the weaker Dark attack and you can use Fake Tears, and then Dazzling Gleam. Delay that...
  19. The Omskivar

    Disco Bandit for sure. But if you stick with the game long enough you'll have the chance to play...

    Disco Bandit for sure. But if you stick with the game long enough you'll have the chance to play each class. I'd start out with the Accordion Thief, Moxie classes have a generally easier time
  20. The Omskivar

    Challenge Board

    An open challenge, provided we have not yet battled! Format: 3v3 singles Style: Set DQ: 10 days Damage Cap: 40% Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKOs, direct healers, Pain Split, Perish Song, Endeavor, Memento, Super Fang, Attract, 3 Chills/Pokemon, sleep can only be induced once upon each Pokemon...
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