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Search results

  1. The Omskivar

    The Omskivar vs TruetoCheese

    I somehow missed this reffing completely, thanks for not DQing me! Just use Power-Up Punch girls, we don't need to do anything fancy here. If you can't get a hit in for some reason barring Substitute, use Iron Defense, unless he's Digging, in which case just use Earthquake. Power-Up...
  2. The Omskivar

    Question Box

    I'd say two rounds? Dropping an item doesn't even take a full action so you can just do it immediately after that
  3. The Omskivar

    Can do!

    Can do!
  4. The Omskivar

    The "Fwee" Thread

    The first week of my theatre class is going a lot better than it did last year! This week I wrote a film noir where the narrator is the inner voice of the detective and everyone's enjoying it so much, even the girl who insisted her part sucked is super into it now Yesterday was Carnival Day...
  5. The Omskivar

    Magical Sextuple Rotation Battle

    We're in a great position, Porkpie! Let's go ahead and not worry about Glauert--if they're asleep, we only have to deal with that paralyzed Piplup. Start out with a Taunt, then two one-turn Solarbeams. If the weather somehow changes to rain, use Wild Charge instead. If Ami throws a Protect...
  6. The Omskivar

    4 years of my life

    What have you guys done to me, now when I type the letter F into my Google Chrome address bar it autocompletes with "orums.dragonflycave.com" instead of "acebook.com" and I use Facebook constantly Anyway two days ago was my 4th TCoD anniversary and I just want to thank everyone for being a...
  7. The Omskivar

    The "Fwee" Thread

    there are two baby robins in a nest inside one of our canoes upside-down on the rack
  8. The Omskivar

    Magical Sextuple Rotation Battle

    ALRIGHT PORKPIE ATTAGIRL that went so well so what we're gonna do now is not worry at all about Toxic, because the first action will be very simple. Dark Pulse is going to target Glauert regardless, because Bendi is the fastest and can't be poisoned before it happens. Therefore, you should...
  9. The Omskivar

    Magical Sextuple Rotation Battle

    Alright, Porkpie, we've got a nice little loophole here--Fly is neither a Protect nor a Detect, so that combo should just be a huge waste of energy directed at Bendy-Diaphragm (or whatever). If it comes at you, you should totally Protect, because that's not good, but if you don't get hit with...
  10. The Omskivar

    The "Fwee" Thread

    you can buy gallons of home brew butterscotch root beer at a diner in town i can't handle this information
  11. The Omskivar

    The "Fwee" Thread

    CAMP IS SO MUCH FUN i missed everything about this so much, it feels like the rest of my life has been a vacation from here. I'm completely back in my element and I'm un-FUCKING-STOPPABLE My ex-girlfriend I thought was gonna make things really weird but actually we're getting along swimmingly...
  12. The Omskivar

    Trading Post

    I'll take that Moon Stone!
  13. The Omskivar

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Going to camp today :D :D :D finally getting the heck out of my hometown and working at my favorite place on earth (or off it). Last summer was the best time of my life and all there is to do now is top it
  14. The Omskivar

    Zexion vs Grass King

    *pops out of lurking* Bide was a TM in RBY! Brock gave it out when you beat him.
  15. The Omskivar

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I'm finally getting my ukulele restrung tomorrow! Also i missed my dog a lot so it's really nice to see her.
  16. The Omskivar

    Lord of the Fireflies vs The Omskivar

    Is Lupin still paralyzed? It's not in the stats at the end there
  17. The Omskivar

    Off the top of my head, Knock Off did 15% for 3% energy (same as the last round's, just a +1...

    Off the top of my head, Knock Off did 15% for 3% energy (same as the last round's, just a +1 Attack instead of a 1% EXP bonus)and almost rolled a critical, Drain Punch I think did 12% for 6% restore (8% with the attack boost and then 4% extra for type advantage) which made Counter do 24% for 12%...
  18. The Omskivar

    Emergency Ref Outpost

    okay so I'm pretty sure everyone this applies to knows already, but: I am taking a leave of absence from reffing for the summer. If I am the referee of your battle, arrange for an emergency referee. I should still be around to post commands, but a little leniency would be appreciated on DQ times.
  19. The Omskivar

    Okay I had the thing all done and ready to submit and the freaking internet ate it. I'm sorry...

    Okay I had the thing all done and ready to submit and the freaking internet ate it. I'm sorry, but I don't have the energy to do it again, so if it's all right with you I'll just pass the torch, I'm so sorry ;~; it was a beautiful prose
  20. The Omskivar

    Hmm, unfortunately I'm not super well-versed in plays yet, but when I was in high school we did...

    Hmm, unfortunately I'm not super well-versed in plays yet, but when I was in high school we did The Outsiders (which is pretty great) and You Have The Right To Remain Entertained (I think that's what it was called) which has some pretty fun audience participation. If you want to do a musical...
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