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  1. Aobaru


    Welcome back! Out of curiosity, what's a 2:1?
  2. Aobaru

    Suggestions and stuff that she hopes you like

    Could you do a Drifloon? :3
  3. Aobaru

    Take a Number Mafia

    Governor (innocent): can prevent a lynch from occurring by secretly PMing the GM. This can be used twice during the game, but not on the player themselves. Framer (Mafia): Chooses one player every night to frame. If they are investigated, they will be shown as Mafia.
  4. Aobaru

    Hello to you, as well!

    Hello to you, as well!
  5. Aobaru

    I am alive! Haha. Thought I'd stop by since I'm not doing anything this summer but working.

    I am alive! Haha. Thought I'd stop by since I'm not doing anything this summer but working.
  6. Aobaru

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Well, I'm back on the forums... like two years later. So, yay!
  7. Aobaru

    Would you like to be famous or...?

    It kind of goes along with my belief that both money and power corrupt, but I would definitely not want to be famous. I'm an extremely private person, and I'm sure I couldn't handle it. Also:
  8. Aobaru

    Hey you! ^-^

    Hey you! ^-^
  9. Aobaru

    Awww! For some reason, I decided to get back on again. It's summer and I miss the forums.

    Awww! For some reason, I decided to get back on again. It's summer and I miss the forums.
  10. Aobaru


    Hey guys, I know I haven't logged on in TWO WHOLE WEEKS, but wow. Things have been crazy. I'm leaving for college in 18 days. Things are soooo busy. And the sad part is, I don't know if I'll have any free time to post on here once college starts :( So I'm just posting to say, I love you guys...
  11. Aobaru

    Racism & Other Prejudices

    Yes, of course it's more offensive because of the history behind it and the current social structure and white privilege and all that. But, really, the level of offensiveness is irrelevant. Free speech is free speech. I'm not arguing in favor of racism or racial slurs, I'm arguing in favor of...
  12. Aobaru

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part II

    AAAAHHH Tears roll down my face
  13. Aobaru

    Racism & Other Prejudices

    Um... have you heard of the FCC? I think where we differ here is that I don't think that using racial slurs is an infringement on the rights of others. There's no right not to be offended. If I go up to a black person and call them a "fucking nigger", they have every right to never talk to me...
  14. Aobaru

    The "Fwee" thread II

    So I've been doing a load of research and I think I've finally found my political persuasion. Ideally, I think I'm an anarcho-capitalist (basically no state, with completely free markets). Practically, I'm a libertarian minarchist (very minimized state, high/unrestricted personal freedoms). So...
  15. Aobaru

    Racism & Other Prejudices

    (1) Are you seriously suggesting it's okay for a government to ban speech? Okay for them to write you a ticket or jail you for speaking certain words? Do you realize how totalitarian and ultra-conservative of a notion this is? I'll repeat: free speech is meaningless unless it tolerates speech we...
  16. Aobaru

    Racism & Other Prejudices

    Unless you live in a country where freedom of speech is repressed, the only consequence of using racist or other discriminatory language should be the label of "jerk" that the people you know give you. Government should not get involved in speech policing. Remember that free speech is...
  17. Aobaru

    Racism & Other Prejudices

    I'm sorry, but racism to me always has meant racial discrimination. I always considered sociological/institutional racism as something totally separate, and only considered when talking about governments and such. I guess we can stop our little debate. My apologies.
  18. Aobaru

    Racism & Other Prejudices

    I realize all of this, Cirrus, and I'm not naive enough to think that white people face as much discrimination, or even anywhere near as much discrimination as other races. What I have a problem with is the positive statement you're making: that white people cannot experience racism. They can...
  19. Aobaru

    Racism & Other Prejudices

    I think Butterfree's right, we're arguing semantics here. Sociological racism aside, I think racism is racial prejudice that is acted upon. That's my definition. If a person discriminates against a white person, regardless of their colour, I consider it racism. Not the best choice of words...
  20. Aobaru

    Racism & Other Prejudices

    I have to call bullshit here. While I agree it occurs on a much smaller scale than racism against minorities (at least here in the US), it's ludicrous to assume that racism against white people doesn't happen. As for the whole racism in general versus institutionalized racism: it's all the...
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