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Search results

  1. Aobaru

    The "Fwee" thread II

    That actually sounds interesting.
  2. Aobaru

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    Hmm, that's a new one :P But thanks!
  3. Aobaru

    Racism & Other Prejudices

    Well, prepare to be offended: any word can be a slur. All that matters is the emotion behind it. If I hated Jews, I could very well walk up to a Jewish person and say, "I hate you, you fucking Jew," or something along those lines. (Sorry for the vulgarity, but I'm trying to make a point.)...
  4. Aobaru

    Yeah, I needed a change... but I don't think this one is exactly right either. I may change it...

    Yeah, I needed a change... but I don't think this one is exactly right either. I may change it back, I love me some Stephen Stills.
  5. Aobaru

    The "Fwee" thread II

    My search for "lady gaga avatar" returned this:
  6. Aobaru

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    Webcam with sissy
  7. Aobaru

    I'll dance dance dance with my hands hands hands above my head, like Jesus said~

    I'll dance dance dance with my hands hands hands above my head, like Jesus said~
  8. Aobaru

    Racism & Other Prejudices

    Did it never occur to you while responding (1) in a thread called "Racism and Other Prejudices" and (2) on a forum that's pretty much 100% QUILTBAG that hmm, maybe it's not such a good idea to use a slur that's been demeaning gay people for decades? Did it ever occur to you that maybe that same...
  9. Aobaru

    What was the last anime you watched before posting on this thread?

    Hmm, I'm actually rewatching Death Note right now because it's on Netflix.
  10. Aobaru

    Racism & Other Prejudices

    This, I think, is a subject worth debating. I think it's an argument between pejorative reclamation (which has been practiced by pretty much every minority ever) and the effects that the pejorative has on the minority. I also think there's a question of context. When two teenagers (black or...
  11. Aobaru

    Racism & Other Prejudices

    Everyone has prejudices and preconceptions in their mind. Everyone judges everyone; it's human nature. The point is to become educated and able to look past any stupid prejudices you might have. It's when you let those prejudices affect your actions that it becomes unacceptable.
  12. Aobaru

    Political Compass II

    Hey Lorem, we should start a Purple Club. In addition to representing right-libertarianism, it's also a fucking awesome color. "You seem smart; why don't we talk?"
  13. Aobaru

    Lady Gaga

    HEY I bought one of those. But I trust Gaga.
  14. Aobaru

    Gay Marriage Legalized in NY

    Well, the difference here lies in that California legalized gay marriage by judicial order, and NY legalized it by legislation. About half of Californians weren't very happy with not getting a say in the gay marriage decision, so they voted to overturn the order. Conversely, the people of NY...
  15. Aobaru

    Gay Marriage Legalized in NY

    Hey, guys, this is the Laughing Cupboard, not the Debating Hall. Please move your debate there. Let's get back on topic.
  16. Aobaru

    Gay Marriage Legalized in NY

    Okay, so what you're saying is that the "I <3 NY... and so does my boyfriend/girlfriend" shirt should be available in both men's and women's sizes? Or am I still missing the point?
  17. Aobaru

    Gay Marriage Legalized in NY

    Wait, how is "I <3 NY...and so does my boyfriend" offensive exactly? o.o
  18. Aobaru

    Political Compass II

    Well, I'm the only purple, I think... maybe Lorem? He's a Tory, methinks.
  19. Aobaru

    Gay Marriage Legalized in NY

    Link to story In addition, New York has no residency requirement to apply for a marriage license, so that means I could go up there and get married one day :D Hopefully, by the time I want to get married there will be a closer state with legal gay marriage -_-
  20. Aobaru

    Political Compass II

    Yet the vast majority of TCoD seems to support authoritarian policies like gun bans. So you advocate a completely state-planned economy but you ended up in the middle? How'd that happen.
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