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Search results

  1. Aobaru

    Political Compass II

    Let me rephrase: What economic system do those of you on the far left of the scale (Pathos, Alvyren) advocate?
  2. Aobaru

    Political Compass II

    Just curious- do all of you on the extreme far left actually want with a 100% state-planned economy? Or did the test just put you there?
  3. Aobaru

    Political Compass II

    "When you are troubled, it's better not to think about it, but to keep busy with more cheerful things." WTF?
  4. Aobaru

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    I see it!
  5. Aobaru

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    You're 16? Wow. And a fellow graduate! Cool :D
  6. Aobaru

    Lady Gaga

    Well, she does say "I don't speak German but I can if you like"... Yeah, I copied that from a lyrics site, probably not the supreme authority on French grammar.
  7. Aobaru

    Lady Gaga

    Not as extreme? Yeah, I guess I still have a non-Gaga avatar... I agree! Not that I don't like "Speechless" or "You and I", but I think I do prefer electropop Gaga over Queen-style rock Gaga.
  8. Aobaru

    What's the best theme?

    Born to be a winner~ Born to be the very best!
  9. Aobaru

    Lady Gaga

    Yeah, Telephone was pretty awesome ;) As was Bad Romance.
  10. Aobaru

    BCE/CE or BC/AD?

    Or maybe it's because most Americans use BC/AD? Um... before you dig your hole even deeper, BCE/CE is based on the exact same timeframe as BC/AD. Do a little research. This whole discussion about BCE/CE being somehow superior to BC/AD is, frankly, ridiculous. They both (originally) had...
  11. Aobaru

    Lady Gaga

    In a way, I guess. But I quite like her 9-minute epics ;;
  12. Aobaru

    Lady Gaga

    I think "underwhelming" is a good description. It's her dancing around an apartment block and a black guy with a saxophone. Not exactly Gaga at her most creative. :( But, the song is actually starting to grow on me in a way...
  13. Aobaru

    Top 10 Favorite Albums

    Well, not by me ;P Now that I think about it, it's probably fourth after Amnesiac. I guess I just like their weirder stuff? Haven't had a chance to listen to the new album.
  14. Aobaru

    Lady Gaga

    I dunno, it's not bad, but it's just not on par with the rest of the album, in my opinion. We french kissed on a subway train, he tore my clothes right off, he ate my heart and then he ate my brain :3
  15. Aobaru

    Lady Gaga

    I think you're my new BFF :3 Yeah, TFM and BTW are pretty much on the same level for me. I mean, on the one hand, BTW is a lot more fleshed out than TFM, but TFM makes up for it with pure awesomeness. Both have two songs I consider sub-par ("Telephone", "Teeth"; "Americano", "Edge of Glory")...
  16. Aobaru

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    So happy for you, Lorem! :3 Yes, tennis is a great aerobic exercise that will help you lose weight~ Along with running, walking, biking, swimming etc. Plus, it makes you feel really good about yourself afterwards! :D In other news: link
  17. Aobaru

    Top 10 Favorite Albums

    Well, I thought three per artist might be too much. I chose my top two Radiohead albums. OK Computer would be my third pick.
  18. Aobaru

    Happy Birthday! :D

    Happy Birthday! :D
  19. Aobaru

    Lady Gaga

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPIbuTx7ENU Lady Gaga at Roma Europride. Why does she have to play piano so well? ;;
  20. Aobaru

    Lady Gaga

    TES, I'm afraid I have to disagree with you. I think Born This Way is a hell of a lot better than The Fame, and arguably better than The Fame Monster. In fact, it feels more like an amalgam of the two. It has Fame's brighter side with songs like "Born This Way", "Hair", "Highway Unicorn", "Bad...
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