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Search results

  1. Aobaru

    Top 10 Favorite Albums

    Sorry this is over ten! 14. Viva la Vida, or Death and All His Friends, Coldplay. 13. Oracular Spectacular, MGMT. 12. The Fame Monster, Lady Gaga. 11. Illinois, Sufjan Stevens. 10. Born This Way, Lady Gaga. 9. Lungs, Florence and the Machine. 8. Volta, Bjork. 7. The Suburbs, Arcade Fire. 6...
  2. Aobaru

    Pathos' argument? Yeah. It was getting out of hand. To me, it's like pathos is confusing...

    Pathos' argument? Yeah. It was getting out of hand. To me, it's like pathos is confusing acceptance and attraction. I accept trans people completely (holy shit, I'm lucky just being bi. I can't imagine how difficult it is to be trans), but they're just not my preference. And he takes offense...
  3. Aobaru

    Well, UV pretty much declared *that* debate to be over, with Pathos on the losing side. I've met...

    Well, UV pretty much declared *that* debate to be over, with Pathos on the losing side. I've met my first jerky LGBT person. I never would have guessed someone that's LGBT could be so judgmental.
  4. Aobaru

    BCE/CE or BC/AD?

    Not anymore, anyway.
  5. Aobaru

    I'm Completely Out!

    Awesome! I wish I could be 100% out, but my grandparents aren't very accepting of this sort of thing.
  6. Aobaru


    I'm looking at this from a purely fundamental perspective. Yes, the only difference between gametes (sperm or ovocytes) and zygotes is fertilization, but that's one hell of a difference. Without fertilization, there is a 0% chance of a fetus; with fertilization, there is a chance for a fetus...
  7. Aobaru


    Yes, sperm have the potential to become babies, but only after some very specific things happen. I don't think it's fair to compare gametes and zygotes. Gametes, by themselves, will eventually die. Zygotes (provided they're in a uterus) will eventually form into a fetus. Minnow, I share your...
  8. Aobaru

    Microwave meals

    I mean, the alternative is cooking it on the stove! And that takes forever.
  9. Aobaru

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    Can asexual people still have sex and enjoy it? Because I was watching Dexter and he's pretty much asexual, but he has sex with like three women (of course, choose women) over the course of the show.
  10. Aobaru

    Moral Relativism

    Wait... who was he calling douchebags?
  11. Aobaru

    Microwave meals

    Am I the only one that microwaves soup? o.o
  12. Aobaru

    Moral Relativism

    The problem, to me, with moral absolutism is the source of the absolute morals. Like, I believe in the non-aggression principle and the golden rule and all that, which basically means that I personally consider any action that violates the life, liberty, or property of another person to be...
  13. Aobaru

    Moral Relativism

    Moral relativism is the view that ethical standards, morality, and positions of right or wrong are culturally based and therefore subject to a person's individual choice. To me, moral relativism always exists on some level. If you take two people and compare their morals, they will most likely...
  14. Aobaru

    BCE/CE or BC/AD?

    Just pointing out, they both have religious roots. They've both sort of lost their religious connotations/context, hence why I would be dismayed by anyone taking offense. Plus, Jesus wasn't even born in 1 AD/CE. Also: yes. Both are referencing Christianity?
  15. Aobaru

    BCE/CE or BC/AD?

    Yeah, a quick search on Wikipedia says there both equally religious. CE originally meant "Christian Era" as early as 1657.
  16. Aobaru

    BCE/CE or BC/AD?

    BC/AD. I cannot imagine anyone being offended by this. But I have no problem with BCE/CE; it sounds more scientific.
  17. Aobaru

    The "Fwee" thread II

    Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II Me too! I get my assignment next month! :D
  18. Aobaru

    Religion and Lack of Religion

    Isn't Christianity a subset of theism? Okay then, what about Christianity specifically? What's the best argument against Christianity?
  19. Aobaru

    Religion and Lack of Religion

    Hey TCoAtheists. What, in your opinion, is the ultimate argument against theism? Go!
  20. Aobaru

    The "Fwee" thread II

    Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II I got a 1970 ;-; But, erm, congrats.
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