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Search results

  1. Aobaru

    I've made a really big life decision.

    Congratulations! I have a female friend that's in the Air Force, and she says it's the most female-friendly military branch. She's a mechanic. Best of luck to you!
  2. Aobaru

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    I think I've found my British twin ^-^ *hugs*
  3. Aobaru

    Awesome movies to Recommend

    So I've been obsessed with Miyazaki lately. Completely obsessed. I started watching all his movies again, but this time for the music. So I can play "One Summer's Day" from Spirited Away and "Theme" from Howl's Moving Castle on piano now. "One Summer's Day" just makes me tingly when I play it...
  4. Aobaru

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    Why aren't you joining Labour? Just curious. If I were British, I would definitely join the Lib Dems. From what I've read, they're the most civil libertarian.
  5. Aobaru

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    Forgive me for not knowing shat about English politics, but haven't the Conservatives become more gay-friendly in recent years? I read somewhere they're all for civil unions and stuff, at least.
  6. Aobaru

    Bin Laden- Dead

    I don't think anyone should feel happiness at the death of another human being; I think relief is a better word. Bullshit. I'm all for the inherent worth of the individual (hell, I'm the biggest individualist I know), but I find it hard to empathize with (empathy being the object of your...
  7. Aobaru

    Bin Laden- Dead

    This is the exact objective of terrorism... Um... I sympathize with Tea Party ideals (reduced government spending, opposition to taxation, reduction of the national debt and federal budget deficit) -- though not necessarily with the party itself, primarily due to the religious right pretty...
  8. Aobaru

    Bin Laden- Dead

    Great news :D As Gaga said, "what a historical moment in the fight against hatred."
  9. Aobaru


    I gotta call bullshit on you here. I mean, of course this is subjective, but what you're implying is that women don't have the capability to be good comedians, which is, frankly, misogynistic. I can think of four great female comedians off the top of my head: Gina Yashere, Sarah Silverman...
  10. Aobaru


    'Born This Way', 'The Power of Madonna', 'Preggers', 'Sexy', 'Mattress', 'Theatricality', and 'Blame It On The Alcohol' are my favorites.
  11. Aobaru


    BREAKING NEWS Glee is propaganda! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/29/glenn-beck-glee-is-propaganda_n_855460.html
  12. Aobaru


    So why has no one posted about Born This Way? Was it not the best episode of Season Two yet? Even though , it was still an amazing episode! :D And I love how Sam's t-shirt at the end says "Trouty Mouth."
  13. Aobaru

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    Hooray ^-^
  14. Aobaru

    The Royal Wedding

    Isn't the wedding supposed to cost $48 million for UK taxpayers?
  15. Aobaru

    Sorry, missed that. :3

    Sorry, missed that. :3
  16. Aobaru


    By all means, DC should be a state. Along with Puerto Rico. :D I think 'taxation without representation' works well here.
  17. Aobaru

    U.S. Government Shutdowns

    No, I would not be against an education amendment, provided the department it created was limited and most of the power remained with the states. By "severely cut", I mean cutting all unnecessary stuff. And there's a lot of it. Vixie, I'm curious. Are you in favor of scrapping the...
  18. Aobaru

    Gun Control

    Okay a lot of arguments going around here. Let me summarize: I can't say either way because I'm not omniscient. There are too many variables. The number of murders from illegal guns would most likely not be affected considering if someone is murdering someone with an illegal gun they aren't...
  19. Aobaru


    If feminism fights for equal rights for women, I don't see any problem with a concurrent movement fighting for equal rights for men, no matter how many specific problems each of them have to fight against. Or you could look at them as two sides of the same coin of gender equality.
  20. Aobaru


    Essentially... but I don't think it's "fine" to ban them from it. I hate that gays, and by extension myself, can't get married in the majority of states. Whether or not marriage is a natural right is really irrelevant; there are other methods of attaining marriage equality. I'm not sure I'm...
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