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Search results

  1. Aobaru

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    Err... I have really weird hip bones. Like, they stick out and stuff. But I work out and exercise and everything, and it helps. I think ab exercises have made them less noticeable. Harlequin, if your weight's bothering you, I'd say start off on a moderate exercise regimen! Like brisk walking a...
  2. Aobaru

    U.S. Government Shutdowns

    The Constitution doesn't say a lot of things because it's a limited document made for a limited government. The Tenth Amendment says that everything not in the document is the states' business, including education. So, in order to legally give the federal government power over education, an...
  3. Aobaru

    Gun Control

    You can't compare shooting someone while getting robbed and shooting someone in a bar fight. One is justifiable, the other is not. But, since the guy in your example wasn't getting robbed himself that's a different story. Unless there were people's lives in danger in the house that was being...
  4. Aobaru

    Gun Control

    The ability of self-defense from guns outweighs the ~600 accidental deaths annually from them, in my opinion. My bet is more than 600 lives would be lost if guns were banned from people who would use them for self-defense. Though I don't have anything to back this up. Theoretically, though. I...
  5. Aobaru

    Gun Control

    Fair enough. It's a realistic worldview. We can all pretend we live in a utopian paradise where no one harbors ill will towards another; if that existed there wouldn't be a need for guns, for self-defense or otherwise. Yes, and that's the problem. Banning guns prevents people from defending...
  6. Aobaru

    U.S. Government Shutdowns

    Well, for starters the Constitution says nothing about the federal government regulating education. Which could be solved by amending it; but that hasn't happened.
  7. Aobaru

    Gun Control

    What countries are you referring to? I don't have any statistics on gun ownership vs. gun usefulness. However, if a situation were to arise, I would rather have the off-chance of having my gun with me and being able to use it than not having one at all. "In 2000, 174 children (0-18) in the...
  8. Aobaru

    U.S. Government Shutdowns

    If the Department were to stay, it would, in my opinion, have to be severely cut. Yes, I agree to that logic. Unfortunately, though, as a state, it's their right to regulate education as they see fit. Those who disagree have every right to protest, sue, move, or choose alternative education...
  9. Aobaru

    Gun Control

    BAN THE KNIVES! Yes, and a black market will be created, just like there's one now for illegal drugs. (Incidentally, illegal guns and illegal drugs go together really well; if they were both legalized, a lot of criminals would be out of a job!) And let's not forget the safe illegal abortions...
  10. Aobaru

    U.S. Government Shutdowns

    The problem is that, since the Department was created, the quality of public schooling has decreased dramatically, and the cost has shot up the roof. In addition, schooling in D.C. is one of the worst and most expensive in the nation: $13,000 per student! When pointing out a few examples of...
  11. Aobaru

    Gun Control

    The fact is gun bans do nothing to keep guns out of the hands of the "bad guys", they only take away from normal people their right to defend themselves. Gun bans have jack shit effect on criminals; they ignore bans on murder and theft, why should they follow bans on guns? Plus, background...
  12. Aobaru

    Should society encourage collaboration or competition?

    Isn't it just Darwinism applied to society?
  13. Aobaru

    Should society encourage collaboration or competition?

    This is kind of a broad question. It really depends on the situation. If you mean in the business world, of course competition is best; it fosters innovation. But with stuff like community outreach, volunteering, etc., of course collaboration is best.
  14. Aobaru

    Looking Ahead

    Wow, I didn't know people off TCoD knew each other, let alone were in relationships. Awesome! :3
  15. Aobaru

    U.S. Government Shutdowns

    But you've yet to prove why (1) a federal department is needed to meddle in state affairs or (2) why it needs funding of $70 billion a year. These are state issues than can be resolved internally. Even if it were to stay, why does it need so much fucking money? But then I'll be stuck here...
  16. Aobaru

    U.S. Government Shutdowns

    This thread exploded. And that's where the democratic process comes into play. Parents and students who oppose said policy assemble and make their opinions known, protest, etc. Nothing that requires a $70 billion-funded federal department. These are all local and state issues. Also, your...
  17. Aobaru

    Your name is different!

    Your name is different!
  18. Aobaru

    ... I have the original DS.

    ... I have the original DS.
  19. Aobaru

    What are you reading?

    I'm reading Push by Sapphire right now. It's a very... raw book. But I've seen the movie, so I know it has a happy ending, sort of. ;; Also, I didn't know Precious had a thing with Louis Farrakhan.
  20. Aobaru

    Tell me... how is the game graphically?

    Tell me... how is the game graphically?
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