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  1. Aobaru

    Yeah, I haven't jumped on board the B&W train yet... -_- I'm always about a year behind due to...

    Yeah, I haven't jumped on board the B&W train yet... -_- I'm always about a year behind due to funds.
  2. Aobaru

    U.S. Government Shutdowns

    Not getting an argument from me here... The Constitution is actually only a series of amendments to the Articles of Confederation; several parts of the Articles remained unchanged (most powers of the Congress, for example). There was a federal government under the Articles: the Continental...
  3. Aobaru

    U.S. Government Shutdowns

    And this should cost $70 billion. All the state departments could synch up their curriculum without a Department of Education.
  4. Aobaru

    Being Human

    I haven't seen the UK version, but I looove the US version. Sam Huntington <3
  5. Aobaru


    But can you use your vagina as a knife? Hah. Didn't think so.
  6. Aobaru

    U.S. Government Shutdowns

    If the government spending was minimized, taxes would decrease significantly. From there, they would adjust taxes as necessary to gradually reduce the debt. The point now is that we're seeing an increase in the debt, and we need to do whatever is possible to start decreasing it. I think the...
  7. Aobaru


    My penis enables me to cook better than you. I love cooking, especially since I'm a vegetarian and have to make everything myself. Cooking kind of came out of necessity. I like making whole wheat spaghetti~ With homemade sauce~
  8. Aobaru

    U.S. Government Shutdowns

    "We're not talking about eliminating the federal government. We want to end all federal activities that are not authorized by the Constitution, and we want to cut everything else as much as we can. In 2000, the federal government spent $1.8 trillion. This year it's expected to spend $3.8...
  9. Aobaru

    U.S. Government Shutdowns

    All I know is we're in deep shit financially. If a household doesn't pay its bills, it gets foreclosed on. I don't see how it should be any different for the government; even more so, in my opinion, considering they're fucking with public funds. The bottom line is an entity that is $14 trillion...
  10. Aobaru

    Awesome! I haven't gotten the chance to buy it yet, I'm going to wait until it's less expensive...

    Awesome! I haven't gotten the chance to buy it yet, I'm going to wait until it's less expensive. xD;;
  11. Aobaru

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    Well, in his defense, the South is a pretty desolate place in terms of LGBT-friendliness. Though things are slowly improving.
  12. Aobaru

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

  13. Aobaru

    Pokemon Mafia!

    Hrm... Elfie it is, then. Post to save yourself!
  14. Aobaru


    HEY Y'ALL I literally had to coach myself out of my native dialect to speak standard English. It was pretty sad. Surprisingly, there's not really any area-specific slang around here, at least not any that I've heard. You do hear a lot of "that's gay", "Ain't", "nigga" (which has become common...
  15. Aobaru

    New tcod Style im not sure to like

    It was "his/her back/vagina" and I guess I was trying to be funny by comparing "his" and "back" with "her" and "vagina". Rape never entered my mind :\ Though now that I read it over, it certainly could be interpreted that way :( Sorry if I offended anyone, again.
  16. Aobaru

    New tcod Style im not sure to like

    Wow, I totally did not realize how bad this sounds :OO Sorry guys. I seriously did not mean it as a rape joke. Ask anyone I know, I am the last person to make rape jokes. I really didn't realize how bad it sounded. I hope this does not make you all think less of me.
  17. Aobaru

    Pokemon Mafia!

    There's roleblocking during the day? :o
  18. Aobaru

    Doctor Mafia (Night 3)

    Re: Doctor Mafia (Day 2) Sigh, I'm going to go with Karkat Vantas since we have to lynch somebody.
  19. Aobaru

    Pokemon Mafia!

    What are "day actions"? I think this layout is confusing everybody.
  20. Aobaru

    You're Banned (Reincarnate)

    You're banned because my eyes are blinded right now :\
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