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Search results

  1. windskull

    Sojaveña Wilds Stormbringer Shrine

    "Arceus?" Nip tilted his head, trying to piece together information from context clues. "Is that the Original One's true name? It's name is lost to time in my world."
  2. windskull

    Sojaveña Wilds Stormbringer Shrine

    "Mine as well," Nip added after Koa. "As far as I know, E knows about Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, the first children of the Original One in my world. Our legends say that when Dialga and Palkia battled countless cycles ago, their immense power twisted the battlefield, scarring the land with...
  3. windskull

    Sojaveña Wilds Stormbringer Shrine

    Zapdos was... Dead? That... That didn't make sense! The heir thing made sense, sure. There were plenty of stories of the gods creating newer, lesser gods to help them. But the idea that a being of such tremendous power could die unnerved him. He had to remind himself that this wasn't home. That...
  4. windskull

    Sojaveña Wilds Stormbringer Shrine

    Nip felt a sense of peace as he passed beyond the gate, taking in the scenery. This was not the domain of his god, but it was the domain of a god. And that meant it was deserving of respect. His eyes followed the jagged markings, dancing around the courtyard, lingering on the cave. He returned...
  5. windskull

    Sojaveña Wilds Stormbringer Shrine

    Nip tilted his head to look up at the gate, in awe of the size. This was bigger than the shrine to Regigigas in Theran Village. Which was, in turn, bigger than his own tribe's place of worship. And if made him feel very, very small, and even a bit insignificant. With nothing new to add, he...
  6. windskull

    Sojaveña Wilds Stormbringer Shrine

    Nip slipped off his perch, eyes darting about as he took in their surroundings. Something about it - perhaps the bright, abstract art or the relative isolation - reminded him of... Well, not home, but his old tribe. Nip turned his attention to the meowth (Jade, if he'd heard her name...
  7. windskull

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    With the the fight passed and the addrenaline dying away, Nip found himself suddenly slammed with a bout of exhaustion. It was no surprise; he'd taken a nasty beating, and gone all out in the fight. As the mayor was led away and the group started to disperse, he stuck around long enough to...
  8. windskull

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    The freezing cold water was enough to make Nip stumble, the chill cutting straight through his thick fur all the way to the bone. He gasped, reeling. Before he could recover, a sharp pain sliced across his chest and he only had a second to clutch at his chest and process the fresh agony before...
  9. windskull

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    "Really?" Oh no. He was not going back to jail again. Especially since he literally didn't do anything wrong this time! "I knew something was rotten here, and I'm not going to be pushed around!"
  10. windskull

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    Nip couldn't help but glance uneasily at his teammates. What were they doing? This was sure to get them chased out of town! But something Sonora said caught his attention. Pokemon couldn't be killed by moves? Sure, there was something to be said about intent to kill, but...What kind of world...
  11. windskull

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    As the fight slowed, Nip tilted his head, breathing heavily. He had no concept of owning land except by shows of force. Other than the small tidbits he'd picked up in his short time in Theran Village, then here. Was this all some sort of territory dispute between Ignatius and Sonora?
  12. windskull

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    The fur on the back of Nip's neck prickled. A part of him wanted to shout back that he knew all too well. Another part was afraid of admitting the same. But before he could make a decision blistering heat blasted his face. He helped, stumbling back before locking eyes with Sera. That damn...
  13. windskull

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    Nip coughed, smoke and soot clothing his nostrils. Ugh, talk about a taste of his own medicine. Squinting through the smog, he smashed his fists together. A few sparks bounced where his claws struck each other billowing smog filling the air. He dove through the cloud, slamming his fist into the...
  14. windskull

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    With a quick dip of his head towards the zorua, Nip took a deep breath before dashing in to follow up. A punch , a scratch, a flip out of the way. Cover. They needed cover if they were going to do this right. But how? An idea flashed in his mind, and Nip smashed his fist on the ground in hopes...
  15. windskull

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    Nip's heart skipped a beat, fur instinctively puffing as chaos erupted around him. He forced himself to calm down, to focus. He'd been in plenty of scrapes before. This was no different. Well, no different except for the crowd of Innocents gawking. Turning to the nearest party-goer, he...
  16. windskull

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    In hindsight, perhaps Nip should have stayed out of the gala. Even taking up the role of a humble servant, he found it hard to fit in to somewhere so... Fancy. More than once, he'd caught himself staring at the party goers, and had to hastily make himself look busy. He spotted other Pokemon...
  17. windskull

    Offscreen Activities

    Nip poses as staff to get into the gala, not wanting to be involved with either side, in part due to not trusting the Mayor but not wanting to risk being associated with criminals and compromise his position. His goal is to keep an eye on things to make sure no one is out in serious danger.
  18. windskull

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    Nip was about ready to follow the example of the oshawott and poochyenna and leave as well, when two more of the party showed up. The first was a childish shuppet who clearly didn't understand the gravity of the situation, if she was suggesting sending everyone to bed like kits. The second...
  19. windskull

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    Nip dipped his head in Dave's direction. That was at least someone else that saw it like he did. Then he noticed the rockruff in the corner. He wasn't properly introduced to this one - or any of these pokemon, now that he thought about it. He'd mostly kept to himself and so far. "I don't know...
  20. windskull

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    The zorua did have a bit of a point, as much as Nip hated to admit it. He wasn't good at those sort of mind games. They made him feel queasy, stirred up bad memories. Even if it was for a good reason. This time. Taking a long breath, he closed his eyes and took a step back. "I get what you're...
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