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Search results

  1. Keleri

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    "Nope!" Tarahn said cheerfully. "I'm Tarahn, I used to be a Raigar and now I'm a Toxel. What's your name?" Tarahn's attention on Nova faltered as various conversations went back and forth, and finally the voice from when they first arrived mindspoke to him about Corey. Tarahn didn't think...
  2. Keleri

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    Laura was happy to see him!!! Tarahn listened politely while she talked to everyone about different things that had been happening. He didn't really understand a lot of it, just that there had been "Shadow Pokemon" around that were powerful and dangerous, which sounded like ronin from back home...
  3. Keleri

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    The Sun Stone was the kind of place where at least one person would frown and follow Tarahn around if he tried to come inside, but Archie had told him that there would be an interesting event there today. Lots of the pokemon he had seen on the very first day were here already, and he wanted to...
  4. Keleri

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    The Toxel's eyes crinkled at this. Haha, human supremacists. Like humans could even do anything without pokemon! Humans didn't even have souls. Tarahn nodded happily. "Yeah! Battling is fun!" Archie's brows had drawn down at Corey admitting he'd been in a fight, though, and Tarahn remembered...
  5. Keleri

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    "Hey Corey, are you sleeping?" Tarahn asked, appearing from gods-knew-where to pat the Ralts on the shoulder. "Me and Archie just got back from a mission!" The Toxel used Corey's chair to climb onto the archive table, and he scratched under his misshapen hat as he regarded the stacked...
  6. Keleri

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Tarahn nodded eagerly, but he watched Corey tense up as Archie advised him to take it easy and not risk further injury. "We won't leave you alone, Corey," Tarahn told the Ralts. "Just sitting around is so boring! We're not gonna go off and do fun stuff without you. It's easier to get tired when...
  7. Keleri

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Tarahn patted Archie on the shoulder as well, since he seemed sad as soon as he saw the Ralts's injuries. "Don't worry, he'll get better. The doctor wouldn't have let him go if he was burning energy instead of regaining it. That happened to some pokemon I know when they were fighting a kaiju and...
  8. Keleri

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    "You can join in if you want!" Tarahn replied innocently.
  9. Keleri

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    "Oh sorry!" Tarahn replied, not sounding very sorry. "I wanted to see if you were okay, but then the doctor wouldn't let me see you, and she was really scary. I just waited for you to come back!" He patted the recumbent Corey helpfully on the shoulder. "You were really cool in the battle! It's...
  10. Keleri

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    There was a scrabbling noise under Corey's bed, and Tarahn emerged and stretched, yawning. "Hi Corey!" the toxel said brightly. "Is your face okay?"
  11. Keleri

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Tarahn visibly brightened at the mention of hot water. "Oh! You should have said! I like hot water! My teammate Rufus will go in hot water even though he's a fire-type." "We're a team!" Tarahn repeated, eyes crinkling, and grabbed Corey in the hug threatened earlier, patting him on the back...
  12. Keleri

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Tarahn raised his brow ridges, giving Corey a skeptical and slightly pitying look. "I like to beg Moriko to let me taste human food or steal it too, but you'll get a sore stomach from doing that too much. I know because I did it a few times. Maybe that's why you don't feel good? Eating bugs and...
  13. Keleri

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Tarahn frowned sympathetically as Corey's body reacted to the thought of battling and patted him on the shoulder again. That happened to people sometimes, if they were in a fight for their life, or got really scared or both. They still felt like they were in the fight sometimes. "But I'm not...
  14. Keleri

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Tarahn cocked his head at this. He didn't know how to make paper. That sounded like a human thing. But if people were gossiping about him grooming himself, that was really strange. They must not have anything to do, which was a horrible and frightening thought. "Ohhhhh," Tarahn said...
  15. Keleri

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    "Climbed up!" Tarahn said brightly. He wrinkled his nose. "Oh, don't worry, I knew you were alone, I could smell your room." He turned to look at the door. "Someone's outside," he said, coinciding with the rattle of the knob and knocking. "Hey Archie!" the toxel called.
  16. Keleri

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms
    Threadmarks: [Ch01] Team Two Men and a Cat debrief on the situation [Corey, Archie, Tarahn]

    After the fight at the river, Tarahn had retired to a comfy spot in a crawlspace under a building to sleep off his injuries, and now he was awake and nosing around town to see what his buddies were up to. One building in particular seemed to be the nexus of a lot of familiar smells and tasty...
  17. Keleri

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Riverside

    Tarahn felt the enemy pokemon's attention shift to him and reacted instinctively, but he was too slow, and the Gumshoos bit him hard. The impact knocked the wind out of him and sent him sprawling, and all he could do was lie there panting for many hammering heartbeats. Luckily, the Gumshoos...
  18. Keleri

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Riverside

    Tarahn frowned, not understanding why Xoco the Gligar said not to status the Gumshoos, but he figured there was probably a good reason. Clover and Archie hung back, regrouping, so Tarahn puffed himself up and charged the wild pokemon with a Facade attack, and concentrated to Pickpocket its...
  19. Keleri

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Riverside

    Tarahn shook his head and squinted through the faceful of sand, but the wild pokemon were definitely looking the worse for wear after the poisoning. One of them tried to tackle Clover, a ghost, oops. That was the nice thing about fighting wild pokemon sometimes, they didn't really know types...
  20. Keleri

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Riverside

    At last!!! Tarahn felt a bit uncomfortable charging in--that was Rufus's or Vleridin's job--and his Toxel body was slow and short-legged, but their opponents just looked like a few bratty normal-type kids, not exactly the level 70 Murderking encounter even seasoned pokemon rangers had to work as...
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