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Search results

  1. Sglod

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes a yellow-ish aura sphere In goes a Super Mutant
  2. Sglod


    Shows you the kind of people that hang round here :evil:
  3. Sglod

    1,000 Things not to do on an airplane

    74. Mess up the syntax
  4. Sglod

    How did you get into Pokemon?

    When I was about 6, my brother loaned me his GBA with Ruby on the condition that I evolved his Graveler. I got the damn thing to lv.90 but nothing happened! I only found out later after we got Internet that you need to trade it... Couple of years later my friend gave me a stack TCG cards for 2...
  5. Sglod

    You're Banned

    I ban myself in apology...
  6. Sglod

    1,000 Things not to do on an airplane

    69. <------ that :) (Sorry, couldn't resist...)
  7. Sglod

    You're Banned

  8. Sglod

    Vending Machine Game

    Out come three rounds of applause In goes Wheatley from Portal
  9. Sglod

    You're Banned

    ur 84|\|n3d k0z 1 4|\/| 73h l337 h4x0r!!!1!!!
  10. Sglod

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes ??? In goes Markiplier
  11. Sglod

    You're Banned

    You're banned because U W0T M8?
  12. Sglod

    You're Banned

    You're banned coz I'm bored af
  13. Sglod

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes his sword In goes Shropshire
  14. Sglod

    Musics that sound like each other

    Beat It's intro also sounds like the intro to Daytripper by the Beatles
  15. Sglod

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes a dog chasing its own tail In goes the Chupacabra
  16. Sglod

    The silence game

    *thanks Cynder for his charity* *rides cow off into the sunset, guzzling tea and cod*
  17. Sglod

    The silence game

    *huddles in corner with hands over face* *asks Cynder for tea (one sugar, about a gallon of milk)*
  18. Sglod

    I didn't notice it was closed... But, aye, I'll post if I can get myself out of the bout of...

    I didn't notice it was closed... But, aye, I'll post if I can get myself out of the bout of laziness I've fallen into... I'll also have to read through the whole thing again as I've forgot what's happened...
  19. Sglod

    The silence game

    *throws sharp object at Stryke for referencing Ben 10* *creates rival universe, 'cause I can do that*
  20. Sglod

    What are you reading? II

    I've just finished The Amber Spyglass, and thus the His Dark Materials trilogy. Northern Lights is the best by far; the other two books are just a bit rambly...
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