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Search results

  1. Sglod

    The Café of Doom

    Re: The Café of Doom My house is being invaded by hornets.
  2. Sglod

    Vending Machine Game

    Out spurts a stream of blood and bullet casings In goes an Asian giant hornet
  3. Sglod

    You're Banned

    You're banned for betraying the lasagna.
  4. Sglod

    1,000 Things not to do on an airplane

    54. Divide by zero
  5. Sglod

    The silence game

    *raises revolutionary army to denounce the laws of physics*
  6. Sglod

    Two truths and a lie

    No! It's #1! I was thinking of going in a dress, but didn't have the balls for it... (The dress was too tight; you could see them through the fabric!) The French girls and the drug addicts were different people, I think...
  7. Sglod

    Describe your favorite video game and make it sound as bad as possible.

    You wander around the tundra aimlessly occasionally killing stuff. If you kill the wrong things the whole game implodes on you...
  8. Sglod

    Pokemon Go

    When it actually comes out there won't be any Pokémon around me since I live in the Pit of Nothingness. I could just pretend the sheep are Pokémon and throw tennis balls at them...
  9. Sglod

    Cynder vs Sglod

    Use Brick Break to shatter the barrier, hit with another Shadow Claw, then immobilise him with Attract! Brick Break ~ Shadow Claw ~ Attract
  10. Sglod

    Two truths and a lie

    Hmm. Did you go to York? It's a nice town. My turn: #1. I went to my prom in a dress (I'm a guy) and won best dressed male... #2. Me and my friend got chased around our village by two crazy French girls last week... #3. Me and my friend got chased out some woods by drug addicts last week...
  11. Sglod

    Two truths and a lie

    Je pense que #1 est un mensonge. C'est correct? I think #1's a lie. Is that right?
  12. Sglod

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes mayonnaise In goes a large ball made of cobwebs
  13. Sglod

    avian-american rights & fireworks

  14. Sglod

    The silence game

    *appears on roof with Stryke* *sheep is now riding me* *it's not a pretty sight*
  15. Sglod

    The silence game

    *gets run over by Delorean while possessing sheep* *disconnected from sheep's body* *sheep is now ghost too* *rides ghost sheep* *hits 88 mph* *disappears*
  16. Sglod

    Testing thread

  17. Sglod

    You're Banned

    You're banned for crimes against Skyrim and all her people. What say you in your defence?
  18. Sglod

    The silence game

    *dies from exposure to undiluted Chuck Norris* *is now ghost* *scares the crap out of everyone by possessing sheep and walking bipedally*
  19. Sglod

    Cynder vs Sglod

    Spam Shadow Claw. If he puts you to sleep again, use Sleep Talk. Shadow Claw/Sleep Talk x3
  20. Sglod

    You're Banned

    You're banned for changing your bloody profile pic.
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