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Search results

  1. OliTheGeek

    Clue Game Hints

    something about being single but also being between cannons and popcorn...
  2. OliTheGeek


  3. OliTheGeek

    that works too

    that works too
  4. OliTheGeek

    I'll take that as a yes in that case: you should name him sir squish. because jellyfish are squishy.

    I'll take that as a yes in that case: you should name him sir squish. because jellyfish are squishy.
  5. OliTheGeek

    if i say monopoly man will you kill me in my sleep? asking for a friend (the evil demons in my head)

    if i say monopoly man will you kill me in my sleep? asking for a friend (the evil demons in my head)
  6. OliTheGeek

    yay frillish!

    yay frillish!
  7. OliTheGeek

    hi there!

    hi there!
  8. OliTheGeek

    Clue Game Hints

    anyone have any hints for number 25? I know it's a pokemon, but I want to know at least which generation it is originally from
  9. OliTheGeek

    oof. that's expensive

    oof. that's expensive
  10. OliTheGeek

    snooommmm!! SO CUUTEEEE

    snooommmm!! SO CUUTEEEE
  11. OliTheGeek

    More clue game

    Okay, Thanks!
  12. OliTheGeek

    More clue game

    when the pokemon evolves, it gains better typing and movesets, but at the cost of it's stat's lowering. also Hi Butterfree!
  13. OliTheGeek

    ok cool! i am very new (I think that I created my account in january or february)

    ok cool! i am very new (I think that I created my account in january or february)
  14. OliTheGeek

    nah it's fine. I haven't been active. I wanna explore this site

    nah it's fine. I haven't been active. I wanna explore this site
  15. OliTheGeek

    oh my god yes I want that too. I got a tiny furret plush for my bday, but a to scale furret...

    oh my god yes I want that too. I got a tiny furret plush for my bday, but a to scale furret would be AMAZING!!
  16. OliTheGeek


  17. OliTheGeek

    Hello! Could I join ASB? I was referred by IndigoEmmy. Also, i know that you don't know me, but...

    Hello! Could I join ASB? I was referred by IndigoEmmy. Also, i know that you don't know me, but happy one year anniversary for you joining this!
  18. OliTheGeek

    i got it.

    i got it.
  19. OliTheGeek


  20. OliTheGeek

    how do i do that?

    how do i do that?
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