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Search results

  1. Zori

    Sleepover Choice Pokemafia

    june 1 hype?
  2. Zori

    A duck bearing a green onion

    A duck bearing a green onion
  3. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    also yes the roles were amazing they probably could be tweaked, but they were. extremely inspired.
  4. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    ANGELICA: My dearest Alexander, you must get through to Jefferson Sit down with him and compromise Don't stop 'til you agree Your favourite older sister Angelica reminds you There's someone in your corner all the way across the sea In a letter I received from you two weeks ago I noticed a comma...
  5. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    ELIZA: Alexander come downstairs, angelica's arriving todayyyyyy Angelica ANGELICA: Eliza HAMILTON: the schuyler sisters ANGELICA: Alexander HAMILTON: Angelica ANGELICA: It's good to see your face ELIZA: Angelica tell this man john adams spends the summer with his family HAMILTON: Angelica tell...
  6. Zori

    Sleepover Choice Pokemafia

  7. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    this is all
  8. Zori

    secure. contain. pokemon.

    secure. contain. pokemon.
  9. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

  10. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    I assume that the mafia team was M&F/Indigo but I don't want use that in postgame discussion that until it's confirmed
  11. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    ggwp all f4 was hard because well there weren't actually any mafia and thats why nothing felt right can we get full roles?
  12. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    well I was right that Sande wasn't mafia
  13. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    actually if ultracool dies and game isnt over it literally doesn't matter if I say who i block because if i guess wrong then we lose
  14. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    if ultracool dies im blocking RNP
  15. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    They have been socially (though not mechanically) towny, and M&F who is very likely mafia tried to start a vote train on them in a reachy way
  16. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    my hand is forced
  17. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    Mr Ultracool
  18. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    if neither RNP nor you is mafia, then sande is mafia and I don't think that's very likely
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