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Search results

  1. guy standing behind you


  2. guy standing behind you


    Knock, Knock. Who's there? Dave. Dave who? Dave proceeds to break into tears as his grandmother's Alzheimers has progressed to the point where she can no longer remember him.
  3. guy standing behind you

    Sounds interesting. I once met someone with MPD.

    Sounds interesting. I once met someone with MPD.
  4. guy standing behind you

    I had something resembling a mental brakedown shortly after I became inactive here. I must...

    I had something resembling a mental brakedown shortly after I became inactive here. I must return to activeness! (If that's even a word...)
  5. guy standing behind you

    Oh hai! It is good to be speaking with you people again. By the way, you've got a bit of broken...

    Oh hai! It is good to be speaking with you people again. By the way, you've got a bit of broken code in your sig.
  6. guy standing behind you

    Rate the Signature above you!

    5/10 I'm not big on song lyrics in sigs.
  7. guy standing behind you

    Rate the User Title above you!

    7/10 Sounds like song lyrics, but cool nonetheless.
  8. guy standing behind you

    I happened to see your coversation with ILS where you mentioned seeing Les Mis. Now there's a...

    I happened to see your coversation with ILS where you mentioned seeing Les Mis. Now there's a mighty fine movie.
  9. guy standing behind you

    Pokemon X/Y

    I honestly don't see why everyone is getting so excited. I always preferred the use use of sprites to what they're going with. I don't like any of the starters. I really like Xerneas though. That thing is awesome.
  10. guy standing behind you

    Yes, I'm rather fond of it as well. I love your username.

    Yes, I'm rather fond of it as well. I love your username.
  11. guy standing behind you

    That was awesome. And he made an excellent balloon.

    That was awesome. And he made an excellent balloon.
  12. guy standing behind you

    Yes. Very close.

    Yes. Very close.
  13. guy standing behind you

    He was the greatest antagonist of all time.

    He was the greatest antagonist of all time.
  14. guy standing behind you

    Yeah. Unfortunately, his sword dissolves, so Ghirahim's fabulousness is lost forever.

    Yeah. Unfortunately, his sword dissolves, so Ghirahim's fabulousness is lost forever.
  15. guy standing behind you

    I freaking love your username.

    I freaking love your username.
  16. guy standing behind you

    It. Was. So. Easy. So easy that every word had to be its own sentence.

    It. Was. So. Easy. So easy that every word had to be its own sentence.
  17. guy standing behind you

    No. The third Ghirahim battle was probably the hardest battle in the game.

    No. The third Ghirahim battle was probably the hardest battle in the game.
  18. guy standing behind you

    I like Ghirahim more than Midna, but she is awesome. I just beat Skyward Sword last night, and...

    I like Ghirahim more than Midna, but she is awesome. I just beat Skyward Sword last night, and the final battle was just way too easy. I was so angry about that. The third Ghirahim battle was harder than the Demise battle.
  19. guy standing behind you

    Good for you. You have countless hours of fun ahead of you. I'm not sure whether Twilight...

    Good for you. You have countless hours of fun ahead of you. I'm not sure whether Twilight Princess or Skyward Sword is better. They were both really fun games.
  20. guy standing behind you

    It is ridiculously fun.

    It is ridiculously fun.
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