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Search results

  1. guy standing behind you

    In Progress Project RoX.Io93

    But it's still a SPOILER!
  2. guy standing behind you

    [I do Requests!] Sprite Warehouse!

    Thanks. Enjoy the sprites!
  3. guy standing behind you

    In Progress Project RoX.Io93

    Yeah. The story is supposed to have a mysterious air to it, and THE SPOILERS DON'T HELP.
  4. guy standing behind you

    [I do Requests!] Sprite Warehouse!

    I'll try it. If it doesn't look good, I won't put it up. Keep requesting though. Except I'll be gone next week. And you can put any of my sprites in your sig WITH CREDIT! and it would be cool if you linked them back here maybe...
  5. guy standing behind you

    [I do Requests!] Sprite Warehouse!

    That's pretty complicated. I tried to do your camo grovyle, but it just looked bad. I'll try this one though. It will probably be better.
  6. guy standing behind you

    In Progress Project RoX.Io93

    Yeah. Not too much about them, but you learn what they were doing in the destroyed city, and the significance of the gun, jacket, and mask. Also, ELECTRIC STOP WITH THE SPOILERS OR I WILL THROW THINGS AT YOU THROUGH MY COMPUTER. BECAUSE I CAN DO THAT.
  7. guy standing behind you

    I did another Roxio chapter.

    I did another Roxio chapter.
  8. guy standing behind you

    In Progress Project RoX.Io93

    He pressed the button to stop the recording. There was silence for a moment. "The more we learn about him, the more disturbing it seems," said the boy. The girl nodded in agreement. She looked back in the bag, pulling out the mask. "I wonder why this was there. Why does anyone really need to...
  9. guy standing behind you


    Oh. *epic faceplam* And I just finished Alegbra I. I feel so dumb. EDIT:Help with level seven? EDIT AGAIN: Beat level seven.
  10. guy standing behind you


    All I come up with is
  11. guy standing behind you

    Yeah. Roxio is a bit more demented in this story.

    Yeah. Roxio is a bit more demented in this story.
  12. guy standing behind you


    I'm stuck at level five. EDIT: Beat it. Stuck on six. I'm as far as the thing.
  13. guy standing behind you

    In Progress Project RoX.Io93

    Thanks for the help. I'll fix the typos, and start the next chapter.
  14. guy standing behind you

    [I do Requests!] Sprite Warehouse!

    Umm, sorry LL but I suck at splices. As in REALLY SUCK. I can do AA's though.
  15. guy standing behind you

    Yes. Actually very related to it. You'll see when I get to that part in the story. [Spoiler]

    Yes. Actually very related to it. You'll see when I get to that part in the story. [Spoiler]
  16. guy standing behind you

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I was on the internet, looking up stuff about Fire Red. I came across one of those Hold-Up-and-B-and-you-will-automatically-catch-it-type cheats. I was battling Articuno, and only had a pokéball left. I decided to try it. It worked. I caught Articuno in a pokéball! It was amazing. Weird...
  17. guy standing behind you

    I dunno. Some characters I made up.

    I dunno. Some characters I made up.
  18. guy standing behind you

    I put up the next chapter of the Roxio story.

    I put up the next chapter of the Roxio story.
  19. guy standing behind you

    In Progress Project RoX.Io93

    The boy pressed the button again and the recording stopped. "That's his voice. It's definetly him." He walked over towards the girl. She but remained silent. They pair of them began to exit the way they came. The girl stopped in the final room though. She threw her arm out to stop the boy...
  20. guy standing behind you

    It not be a fanfic. It is Roxio's story, told from a different point of view, and not really...

    It not be a fanfic. It is Roxio's story, told from a different point of view, and not really involving the Fish Jumpers.
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