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Search results

  1. guy standing behind you

    [I do Requests!] Sprite Warehouse!

    I actually just finished them. I'm about to upload them to Photobucket, and then I'll edit this post. EDIT: These look pretty good.
  2. guy standing behind you

    Cool. I have no idea either.

    Cool. I have no idea either.
  3. guy standing behind you

    My mistake. I meant to say "guy who called YOU a girl".

    My mistake. I meant to say "guy who called YOU a girl".
  4. guy standing behind you

    [I do Requests!] Sprite Warehouse!

    I'll get stated on those as soon as I can. And shiny just means I'm likely to pick a different color fo the outline.
  5. guy standing behind you

    My"that happens" refers to the guy who called to a girl.

    My"that happens" refers to the guy who called to a girl.
  6. guy standing behind you

    I have seen you active in a while, so I forgot to send you the PM. It'll happen pretty soon though.

    I have seen you active in a while, so I forgot to send you the PM. It'll happen pretty soon though.
  7. guy standing behind you

    Rate the Signature above you!

    GIVE ME MASK! or I could trade it for a 9/10.
  8. guy standing behind you

    That happens.

    That happens.
  9. guy standing behind you

    Yes. I have two stories going though, the people who found Roxio's recording, and the recordings...

    Yes. I have two stories going though, the people who found Roxio's recording, and the recordings themselves. Ulqi will appear in the story of the people who found the recordings. I should have the chapter up tonight.
  10. guy standing behind you

    I've decided that I'm actually going to feature Ulqi in the Roxio story. She probably won't have...

    I've decided that I'm actually going to feature Ulqi in the Roxio story. She probably won't have a speaking bit though. You'll see my foreshadowing when I getaround to posting the next chapter.
  11. guy standing behind you

    (Your lack of punctuation offends me. But only slightly.) Did the guy who sold it to you call a...

    (Your lack of punctuation offends me. But only slightly.) Did the guy who sold it to you call a girl?
  12. guy standing behind you

    I finished your request.

    I finished your request.
  13. guy standing behind you

    Soupfish is the Fish Jumpers Mascot.

    Soupfish is the Fish Jumpers Mascot.
  14. guy standing behind you

    [I do Requests!] Sprite Warehouse!

    @LL: Alright. I'll get started. @Dar: That wouldn't be very different from a neon normal cubone. But I'll give it a shot. I've decided that everyone who requests a neon gets a free silhouette guy too. I'll get Dar's later. I've got to go right now. EDIT: I didn't make a silhouette for him...
  15. guy standing behind you

    Is that Soupfish?

    Is that Soupfish?
  16. guy standing behind you

    [I do Requests!] Sprite Warehouse!

    feel free to request as many as you want.
  17. guy standing behind you

    [I do Requests!] Sprite Warehouse!

    I don't like it too much.
  18. guy standing behind you

    [I do Requests!] Sprite Warehouse!

    @Richie: Sure. Feel free. @AA: I'll get stated on that. And I sort of suck at re/devamps. EDIT: It kind of... yeah...
  19. guy standing behind you

    *throws fish back in lake*

    *throws fish back in lake*
  20. guy standing behind you

    NO! Don't kill the Fish! WE NEED THEM!

    NO! Don't kill the Fish! WE NEED THEM!
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