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Search results

  1. welding_keldeo


    That's um... interesting??
  2. welding_keldeo

    Hi!! (back)

    Hi!! (back)
  3. welding_keldeo

    Presidential Candidates

    Okay, maybe I was being a little unfair there. Yes, the two-party system does try to stop people, that I agree with. The thing is, though, he's a part of that two-party system. He still wants to see his party win in office, and doesn't want to risk another party trying to take control of the...
  4. welding_keldeo

    You're Banned

    pɹoʍ ɐ ,,ǝsǝ-uʍopǝpᴉsdn,, ƃuᴉʞɐɯ ɹoɟ pǝuuɐq 'llǝM
  5. welding_keldeo

    How do RPs work?

    How do RPs work? I've been reading some, and they just seem REALLY LONG AND CONFUSING. COULD THEY EXPLAIN?
  6. welding_keldeo

    You're Banned

    ¿pɹoʍ ɐ uǝʌǝ ʇɐɥʇ sI ˙ɹǝʌǝʇɐɥM ,,ǝsǝ-uʍopǝpᴉsdn,, ƃuᴉʍouʞ ʇou ɹoɟ pǝuuɐq
  7. welding_keldeo

    Rename the Above Poster!

  8. welding_keldeo


    I guess that makes sense, but it wouldn't be so bad if we could just get it over with...
  9. welding_keldeo

    What Pokémon/Type/Level of Obsession Are You?

    Re: What Pokémon/Type/Level of Obsession Are You? Makes sense. BUT STILL! I sprite Pokémon a lot!!
  10. welding_keldeo

    Presidential Candidates

    That does make sense that the Government is responsible for all of that, etc. But still, about the part with the governments such as Communism failing before, I think he's right. Okay. So MAYBE it was the people that were ruling at the time, but think about the Russians. War and Peace (or is...
  11. welding_keldeo


    WHAT? I would rather just have the 180 days that's required all done with, all at once and in row (partially so teachers can't give projects) and then have the other 185 days as a break. That would be pretty nice.
  12. welding_keldeo


    I mean, you can dream of someone you hate. Can't you?
  13. welding_keldeo

    The Prodigal Webshow

    Yeah, this looks so cool! Good luck on it!!
  14. welding_keldeo

    The Advertisment Game

    GET THE PUMA SHOES TODAY! THEY SORT OF LOOK LIKE THIS MODEL ON THE BOTTOM: Except, well... you just step on Pumas while you walk the ENTIRE TIME!! I mean, who wouldn't want to be eaten by an angry Puma? Buy one today! Only $.00000000000000000000000000000000001!! Citrus
  15. welding_keldeo

    You're Banned

    Banned for not even banning someone
  16. welding_keldeo

    Rename the Above Poster!

  17. welding_keldeo

    1,000 Things not to do on an airplane

    66. "WOW." AKA hang your mom upside down
  18. welding_keldeo

    You're Banned

    Banned for wanting to starting a new RP
  19. welding_keldeo

    1,000 Things not to do on an airplane

    64. Drink milk
  20. welding_keldeo

    Two truths and a lie

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