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Search results

  1. welding_keldeo

    Lie About the Above Poster

    Tries to wash their computer in the sink
  2. welding_keldeo

    Caption the picture above

    Grumpy cat.
  3. welding_keldeo

    You're Banned

    Banned for not wanting a goat
  4. welding_keldeo

    1,000 Things not to do on an airplane

    56. Stay on
  5. welding_keldeo

    Rate the Pokémon above you on a scale from one to ten

    Re: Rate the Pokémon above you on a scale from one to ten Good pokémon, especially since it's evolved from a starter. I'll give it a: 9.5/10 Ralts?
  6. welding_keldeo

    Two truths and a lie

    Yes! Correct!!!
  7. welding_keldeo

    The Advertisment Game

    You know what's the BEST DEAL EVER? LOSING YOUR MONEY!!! SO JUST GO TO YOUR NEAREST ATM AND PAY TWENTY DOLLARS FOR $5!!!!! (Plus interest) Spiderman dancing
  8. welding_keldeo

    Just something weird...(I'm celebrating my find)

    You guys HAVE to see this: It dances with ANY song!!!(It follows the beat) :sweatdrop::sweatdrop::sweatdrop:
  9. welding_keldeo

    Two truths and a lie

    Okay, I guess I'll go...? 1. I play the game Civ VI 2. My Yveltal's name is Yvee 3. I really like the website poliwager.net/adopt
  10. welding_keldeo

    I Write Poetry Stuff

    Your poetry is quite amazing!! You have a great rhythm in it!!!
  11. welding_keldeo


    So far, my friends and I have started a small website called Superloach. Just go to superloach.weebly.com It's an okay site, but my friend hasn't added games yet. There's a roleplay section if you want to do that, and make sure to check out Nitra's page!! Anyways, what's some advice for it?
  12. welding_keldeo

    Oops I got a cat

    That's so cool, having a cat! My parents never let me have any pets... What kind of cat is it?
  13. welding_keldeo

    Happy Birthday for two!

    Happy birthday!
  14. welding_keldeo

    The Shiny Pokemon Club

    Hm... you'll like Shiny Wooper and Quagsire, then. They're SO ADORABLE
  15. welding_keldeo

    Edit the post above you

    I prefer Doxen. But Huskies are okay
  16. welding_keldeo

    The silence game

    *Tries to grab lunch while running away*
  17. welding_keldeo

    You're Banned

    Banned because Toys R Us doesn't supply ty's rants
  18. welding_keldeo

    The Advertisment Game

    Hm... DON'T YOU WANT SOMETHING WORLD-CHANGING? "Yes!!" How about... LIFE SAVING? "YES!!" And... how about... FUN???? "YEEESSSS!!!!!" Well, pick up a $199.99 BOX OF NAPKINS AT YOUR LOCAL GROCERY STORE! They can save you from embarrassment when wearing nice clothing (when you spill), that's...
  19. welding_keldeo

    Lie About the Above Poster

    Used a Masterball on a level 2 non-shiny Rattata
  20. welding_keldeo

    (Now doing requests!) The Place Where I Dump My Sprites

    Um... can you do a retype of Vibrava? Make it look like it's an electric dragon, please.
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