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Search results

  1. Michi

    The "Fwee" Thread

    So I, um, kind of just wrote 2,500 words of a one shot fanfic about Cynthia basically on a whim, which is more fanfic than I've ever written in one sitting before (and it's miles better than the only other major thing I've done, even as rough as it is now). Kind of proud of myself for actually...
  2. Michi

    Pokemon Sun & Pokemon Moon

    So as far as types, I really like all three combinations, but I'm not particularly enthused by any of the three designs. This might be the second generation in a row in which I leave starters off my team completely. Alola has some solid designs and more than enough to build a team I love, but...
  3. Michi

    Pokemon Sun & Pokemon Moon

    So I've really decided to split my efforts between Sun and Moon - on the former I think I'm going to use a team of Alolan variants of Kanto-native species, and on the latter I'll do a team consisting solely of new 'mons. I'm a bit let down by the relative lack of total new species, but much like...
  4. Michi

    Pokemon Sun & Pokemon Moon

    Rowlet is literally my favorite thing of all time, can we just discuss that bird's majestic beauty for a moment? Anyway, more hyped for S&M than I have been for any Pokemon game to date, and that's kind of impressive.
  5. Michi

    Back from...2008 days? Jesus.

    Welcome back! I kinda Max Revived too just now. Cool to see this place still active.
  6. Michi

    Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

    Is it sad that this is one of the things for which I am most excited?
  7. Michi

    Gen 7 Predictions...

    Do we have to have new Pokes? Because if we do, they need to step up the designs (though Gen VI was a major improvement). I'm wondering if we'll get more Kanto remakes actually - it's the only region not playable in its own storyline on the 3DS, and I don't see Nintendo dropping the 3DS in the...
  8. Michi

    What's the canon timeline between the generations?

    True, that would be a viable solution; they can retroactively establish a GSC-to-RBY like relationship with other games if absolutely necessary but I don't see many people caring enough to provoke official response, honestly.
  9. Michi

    Your Life since Joining TCoD

    I'm a dusty old man on this site (four years as a member! but I'm only 18) and have neglected to post for a full year at a time. So yeah, a LOT has happened - I was getting ready for freshman year of High School when I joined, having just graduated from eighth grade, and now I'm going to college...
  10. Michi

    What's the canon timeline between the generations?

    Very interesting. If these take place at the same time, however, one must wonder what that means for ORAS, no? Logically there will be some sort of time-travel mechanism explained for trading between XY and ORAS, since Brendan and May are still the main characters and they appear to take place...
  11. Michi

    What's the canon timeline between the generations?

    What I'm more curious about is the addition of X and Y. Do we have an approximate indication of their place in time?
  12. Michi


    You last visited: 04-21-2013 Wow.
  13. Michi

    NO @ me missing your return. By a year.

    NO @ me missing your return. By a year.
  14. Michi

    Wow, It's Been a While

    There was a Lady Gaga one, a Volcarona one, and maybe another I've forgotten.
  15. Michi

    Most heartbreaking moment?

    My Silver and Crystal versions still work fine. Strange. Anyway, my first save file ever waaaaay back in 2002 was on Silver. I started with a Cyndaquil, a little green and yellow fireball that loved with all my heart. I raised it to a fantastic level 91 without so much as a single rare candy (I...
  16. Michi

    Wow, It's Been a While

    Thanks! I hovered over your name and I recognize you best as St. Christopher. I don't remember if we posted much in the same areas though :o
  17. Michi

    Wow, It's Been a While

    Thanks! I remember you as well! Good, thanks! :D
  18. Michi


    I just recently had what I swear was the most normal dream I've had in years - I was aat school and forgot to finish some assignment. Then my crush acted like he hated me. Thank goodness it was only a dream! And a very stark contrast from some of the others I've posted in here.
  19. Michi

    Would you like to have children?

    Honestly, I don't like younger children all that much and feel like I'd be a failure of a father, so probably never.
  20. Michi

    Wow, It's Been a While

    Thank you, and hello! :D It seems you joined after the last time I even logged in, I really haven't been here in ages. :p
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