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Search results

  1. Ys_

    Power Plant Pokemafia

  2. Ys_

    Power Plant Pokemafia

  3. Ys_

    Power Plant Pokemafia

    if I can? o__o
  4. Ys_

    Power Plant Pokemafia

    xD ok then unexplode
  5. Ys_

    Power Plant Pokemafia

    Explode Eifie :P
  6. Ys_

    Match the user above with a Pokémon!

    vulpix because red and playful uwu
  7. Ys_

    Power Plant Pokemafia

    Also my plan was to try and dig out a sheriff or something and then explode them hehe :3 idrm but this may be a long game if no one dies
  8. Ys_

    Power Plant Pokemafia

    Unvote I kind of want to self-destruct but not explode anyone else bc everyone is too nice ^^
  9. Ys_

    Power Plant Pokemafia

    that's what I thought? Like, I was having the sense eatly on that you and Trebek were trying to waste time xD so yeah i'm vibing hydreigon also were you forced to give someone your leprechaun role Herbe?
  10. Ys_

    Power Plant Pokemafia

    I'm having 2R1B flashbacks
  11. Ys_

    Power Plant Pokemafia

    that Everyone is mafia? :O
  12. Ys_

    Power Plant Pokemafia

    🤔🤔🤔 what if VM was actually told they were mafia too
  13. Ys_

    Power Plant Pokemafia

  14. Ys_

    Power Plant Pokemafia

    Electrode claims: Flora Trebek Herbe Ysabel ZM? Miller claim: Cojiro No claim: tbh^2 Hydreigon Dead: Seshas VM FM
  15. Ys_

    Power Plant Pokemafia

    Yeah, I caught Trebek's suggestion alright xD that's why I haha reeacted to his theory that maybe both MF and Seshas had been outgroup. Which was partly why I was hmm about Coji's claim as well And I'm electrode as well uwu
  16. Ys_

    Power Plant Pokemafia

    hmmm fine unvote Hydreigon
  17. Ys_

    Power Plant Pokemafia

    Well, I'm getting the sense that they know something we don't and were trying to gain towncred yesterday, especially with that late vote on MF and thir comment about the flavor blood on the wall may have been Pikachu eating ketchup. Unless they were just joking, but their play seems slightly...
  18. Ys_

    Power Plant Pokemafia

    Woo this is great! Wish I had voted but the results were good. Also in this game mafia seems to be selfdestructing themselves heh. Anyway, I'll put my vote on Hydreigon
  19. Ys_

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 Sign-Ups

    i can join as replacement if needed too
  20. Ys_

    Heyy Herbe did u watch this? It made me chuckle ^^ [MEDIA]

    Heyy Herbe did u watch this? It made me chuckle ^^
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