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  1. Dodge

    Fire and Ice Mafia

    Oh, you didn't sound too aggro, I was just clarifying what I said before. It didn't make much sense, this close to the vote lol But yeah, if there's 2 mafia and we vote wrong we're screwed. But we'd be almost just as screwed if we abstained, too
  2. Dodge

    Fire and Ice Mafia

    I meant that I was hoping to get more info before committing But it's true that I'd rather it not go random, and the time to vote is now Well, I may regret this, but I guess I'll get off the fence and commit to M&F
  3. Dodge

    Fire and Ice Mafia

    I won't vote on it quite yet, but I also lean ever so slightly towards M&F being mafia. It's hard to say whether spurring us to vote is a mafia thing to do, or if saying to abstain would be, but suggesting a massclaim and then going back on it so quick feels wrong That said, the day IS almost...
  4. Dodge

    Fire and Ice Mafia

    Either way, the benefit of voting someone out is probably worth the risk If there's only 1 mafia and we vote out a townie, that would be bad but survivable If there's 2 mafia and we abstain, we could lose on the spot But I reckon guessing at random is...probably not ideal? So we may want to try...
  5. Dodge

    Fire and Ice Mafia

    I feel like 1 mafia is more likely, but I also agree with mf that it's probably safer to assume we're on the verge of losing. That said, massclaiming seems like it would benefit mafia by telling them who's a valuable target, and I'm not sure how much it would even help
  6. Dodge

    Fire and Ice Mafia

    I'm not sure if multiple mafia factions fits the Frostkin flavor, those seem like they'd be working together, no? Unless they're hunting us separately, i guess It could still be that, or something like 1 scum and 1 third party of some kind (alien?) Or maybe 2 regular scum and then town just has...
  7. Dodge

    Fire and Ice Mafia

    No worries!
  8. Dodge

    Fire and Ice Mafia

    Hey there! Glad to be here too! If there are 2 mafia here, we need to get one of them or else we're just done, right? I was assuming it would be just one, though maybe that's favoring us too much...
  9. Dodge

    Fire and Ice Mafia

    This is actually my first game! But I used to lurk around here a while back, reading the mafia games (and also ASB), so I at least have some knowledge, if not experience The first role that comes to mind for a smithy would be some kind of Doctor, giving people armor, right? But I'm not sure how...
  10. Dodge

    Fire and Ice Mafia

    RIP Flora. Wonder what a smithy would have been able to do? (Also the time change is fine by me)
  11. Dodge

    Fire and Ice Mafia Sign-Ups

    Can do! I used to read a bunch of the old games on here, so I know the flow of things, just no experience actually playing. Count me in!
  12. Dodge

    Fire and Ice Mafia Sign-Ups

    Would there be room for a newbie who's been lurking for a long, long time?
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