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Search results

  1. Ulqi-chan

    [Sign-ups Closed] Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn

    Re: [SIGN-UPS OPEN!] Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn Oooooooh. I get it. I like that! :D And hopeandjoy is also accepted! So! Either later on today or sometime tomorrow, I will have the first post up so we can get started. As I said before, the sign-ups will remain open until I think we've...
  2. Ulqi-chan

    WELL THAT'S WHAT I MEANT. Apple=Portable. Because that's how it works now.

    WELL THAT'S WHAT I MEANT. Apple=Portable. Because that's how it works now.
  3. Ulqi-chan

    Why isn't that video supported on apple products D: I'll have to listen to it once I get near my...

    Why isn't that video supported on apple products D: I'll have to listen to it once I get near my actual pc. But I bet it's awesome.
  4. Ulqi-chan

    [Sign-ups Closed] Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn

    Re: [SIGN-UPS OPEN!] Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn Accepted! c: I guess if Lucy has her given name and then a different one, she decided to just go by something else after this whole ordeal? I can dig it.
  5. Ulqi-chan


  6. Ulqi-chan

    [Sign-ups Closed] Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn

    Re: [SIGN-UPS OPEN!] Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn Accepted! Looks good. :D
  7. Ulqi-chan

    [Sign-ups Closed] Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn

    Re: [SIGN-UPS OPEN!] Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn Reserved. :D Huh, that's a good idea. :0 I actually had not thought of that, but I really like the idea. By all means, it should be an option. c:
  8. Ulqi-chan

    [Sign-ups Closed] Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn

    Re: [SIGN-UPS OPEN!] Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn Accepted! Welcome to the party. :D
  9. Ulqi-chan


  10. Ulqi-chan

    Hey, that's fine by me. Makes sense. All good in the hood, yo.

    Hey, that's fine by me. Makes sense. All good in the hood, yo.
  11. Ulqi-chan


  12. Ulqi-chan

    [Sign-ups Closed] Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn

    Re: [SIGN-UPS OPEN!] Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn Aaaaaaaccepted. Lawdy, that didn't take long. :D
  13. Ulqi-chan

    [Sign-ups Closed] Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn

    Re: [SIGN-UPS OPEN!] Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn My character sheet! Name: Nikki Kroger Age: 16 Gender: Female Species Spliced With: Skitty Appearance: Nikki's splicing with a Skitty's DNA has done nothing but make her appear even more like a child; she barely reaches five feet in...
  14. Ulqi-chan

    [Sign-ups Closed] Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn

    [Sign-ups Closed] Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn Main Thread Theme Song: The Others Rising to the top can be a dirty, dirty business. For scientists, it's even more so; everyone wants to be the most acclaimed, the best of the best, the top dog. When someone...
  15. Ulqi-chan

    Idea Center: Part Deuce

    I'm glad people are interested! :D!! Just about to post it. Keep an eye out; I'm really excited for it now.
  16. Ulqi-chan

    Idea Center: Part Deuce

    In this case, it's technically 50% Pokémon, but each player can just customize their character how they want; as in, it doesn't necessarily have to be 50%. They still are primarily human, but they have Pokémon aspects, and it depends on what Pokémon's DNA they're fused with. Most of the time...
  17. Ulqi-chan

    Idea Center: Part Deuce

    I knew I forgot something. Eh heh heh. They would actually be Pokémorphs! ... Which, I know, I know, I've done a bunch of these in the past, but people seem to really get into them. I've actually just finished writing out the situation of the rp, and the synopsis is that the players would be...
  18. Ulqi-chan

    Idea Center: Part Deuce

    Well, here's my last ditch effort to saving the rp section. I'm gonna try and get a casual Pokemon rp up for those that are interested. Since it wouldn't have a real plot, I'm hoping that it would not ward anyone away by being too complex, and that the players would be motivated enough to come...
  19. Ulqi-chan

    I have something to look forward to, then. College shall revive and bless these hands so they...

    I have something to look forward to, then. College shall revive and bless these hands so they can draw.
  20. Ulqi-chan

    YES. I SAW IT BACK IN THE DAY, SON. HARLEY AND GWEN. MY BABIES. ;-; Christ, y u draw so good...

    YES. I SAW IT BACK IN THE DAY, SON. HARLEY AND GWEN. MY BABIES. ;-; Christ, y u draw so good, Yoshi. D:
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