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  1. Ulqi-chan


    http://discontinueddreamsinc.tumblr.com/ Felt like I should join the crowd. :/
  2. Ulqi-chan

    WELL, Yoshi and I were discussing this, But I could only imagine it with some sort of Frenchy...

    WELL, Yoshi and I were discussing this, But I could only imagine it with some sort of Frenchy flare to it. :3c
  3. Ulqi-chan

    It'll be the end of us all.

    It'll be the end of us all.
  4. Ulqi-chan

    But....... But.... It sounds so cool D8

    But....... But.... It sounds so cool D8
  5. Ulqi-chan

    But.... But it's.... It's what you say when there's simply nothing to say.... ; ;

    But.... But it's.... It's what you say when there's simply nothing to say.... ; ;
  6. Ulqi-chan

    !! I know! "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" 8D

    !! I know! "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" 8D
  7. Ulqi-chan

    Seems reasonable. 8D

    Seems reasonable. 8D
  8. Ulqi-chan

    WELL TO BE PERFECTLY HONEST It was in a hurry, and it was when I was tired, but. Eh. He...

    WELL TO BE PERFECTLY HONEST It was in a hurry, and it was when I was tired, but. Eh. He deserved it, that peacock man, he. <_< But yes it is her destiny to make Lala and Nico best friends 83c
  9. Ulqi-chan

    FFFFFF Well I certainly do hope that Nico won't flipping kill Lala in his place. That'd suck...

    FFFFFF Well I certainly do hope that Nico won't flipping kill Lala in his place. That'd suck for all of us.
  10. Ulqi-chan

    OH LORD JESUS It's alllllll up to Ayako to pacify the mood. o.o Or else we can all just vote...

    OH LORD JESUS It's alllllll up to Ayako to pacify the mood. o.o Or else we can all just vote Lala off the island 8D
  11. Ulqi-chan

    :0! Frankenstein, woooo— ... Also, I apologize for not letting you get to kill off Emilio. ;; ;;

    :0! Frankenstein, woooo— ... Also, I apologize for not letting you get to kill off Emilio. ;; ;;
  12. Ulqi-chan

    I wish you the best of luck. *salute* Or really, you don't have to do it if you don't want to...

    I wish you the best of luck. *salute* Or really, you don't have to do it if you don't want to, you do enough as it is. ; ;
  13. Ulqi-chan


    After wistful watching for a moment more, Jayy heard Titus addressing her. She looked to him and the bandages he brought along with him, and slowly gave him a nod. "Yes, they would prove most useful," she answered, and dropped the bloody snow she had been holding. The crimson that had flowed...
  14. Ulqi-chan

    ............ I do like. Yes. Very much so. I do.

    ............ I do like. Yes. Very much so. I do.
  15. Ulqi-chan

    YOU MUST And also Skype had decided to pend. Argh.

    YOU MUST And also Skype had decided to pend. Argh.
  16. Ulqi-chan

    ALLLLRIGHT I FIXED. :D So, take a look at this. What if, *strokes imaginary beard* we put that...

    ALLLLRIGHT I FIXED. :D So, take a look at this. What if, *strokes imaginary beard* we put that spiky part on a side of her face, and had the rest of that side sort of border the side of her face close to her ear so we can still see the circles? ..... ._____. I cannot explain this. And I'm...
  17. Ulqi-chan

    Well I was just "In the mooooood"

    Well I was just "In the mooooood"
  18. Ulqi-chan

    ASDF ASDFx3 AAAASSSSDDDDFFFx3 I. Like. It. Amazing. You, sir, are amazing. Mkay, fins...

    ASDF ASDFx3 AAAASSSSDDDDFFFx3 I. Like. It. Amazing. You, sir, are amazing. Mkay, fins... fins... http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda06/Masks/ZoraMask.jpg The best I can do. ; ;
  19. Ulqi-chan

    Oh nyuuuuu D:> Well, practice makes perfect, yes? I guess the best thing to do is keep at it and...

    Oh nyuuuuu D:> Well, practice makes perfect, yes? I guess the best thing to do is keep at it and you'll eventually get it right. :3
  20. Ulqi-chan

    ...? Oh, hello. :3

    ...? Oh, hello. :3
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