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Search results

  1. K'yoril

    No problem; I just wanted to know of you were playing or not

    No problem; I just wanted to know of you were playing or not
  2. K'yoril

    Just a quick question; Did you actually accept the Nuzlocke thing? Or were you just clarifying?

    Just a quick question; Did you actually accept the Nuzlocke thing? Or were you just clarifying?
  3. K'yoril

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn "Mountain boom. Now faster go."
  4. K'yoril

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    No thanks. One is enough.
  5. K'yoril

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

  6. K'yoril

    Nuzlocke Challenge

    Yeah that's fine.
  7. K'yoril

    Crookedstar's Adventure Park

    Yes please
  8. K'yoril

    Nuzlocke Challenge

    I'm gonna say no, unless it's somehow from the liberty pass. No events that aren't caught. So I suppose the Lost Forest Zoroark would be acceptable, but you'd have to use Pokemon besides the beasts to catch it.
  9. K'yoril

    Nuzlocke Challenge

    My brother came up with a pretty cool-sounding idea, and I was wondering if someone would mind helping me out, testing wise. I like to call it a Collaborative Nuzlocke, but it's essentially a regular Nuzlocke, but with a partner; you and your partner can trade with each other whenever you want...
  10. K'yoril

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I remember first seeing it, and instantly wanting one for no good reason, but by the time I got to that route in Sinnoh where they are, I had lost interest. Oh well. It's pretty cute, but not all that interesting in my opinion.
  11. K'yoril

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn "Scaredy blue cat nothing do! No shiny, no walky, none!" After this last indignant screech, Kerroi flies towards Darius and the road beyond. ((Eh. Kerroi's none too smart with colors.))
  12. K'yoril

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

  13. K'yoril

    Crookedstar's Adventure Park

    Nah. I think it's awkward as a male. Also, my name only has one 'l'.
  14. K'yoril

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    And here I was catching another every month for that stupid scientist... Anyways, I really like the winter form, but the others are just alright. I love it's horns and scarf-looking thingy. And it's hooves. those are cool too. I dislike Deerling though. It's a pain.
  15. K'yoril

    New Games: Pokemon Black and White 2

    I was just replying to the above post in an effort to point out that it shouldn't be disregarded as an impossibility; BW2 are changing things up a lot, so if GameFreak were ever to do something like this, these would probably be the games to do it in. Quite honestly, I don't believe there will...
  16. K'yoril

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Seeing the movement below, Kerroi takes to the air and circles the clearing, sqwaking raucously. "Leave time! Go big water now! Go, go. Leave scaredy blue cat!"
  17. K'yoril

    Crookedstar's Adventure Park

    Yeah, I'll take a Litwick
  18. K'yoril

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    YOOM-TAH!!! Aside from that, I dislike Wigglytuff
  19. K'yoril

    What Time is it? Mafia Time! [Mafia Win]

    Re: What Time is it? Mafia Time! [Day 2] It wasn't me. Like I said before, I can only do poison stuff.
  20. K'yoril

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    Blech no.
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