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Search results

  1. Harlequin

    Worldbuilding Discussion

    Ooh! Radiation. I love a nice bit of radiation. In terms of intelligence how do all of the races compare? Do they have different strengths and weaknesses or are they all more or less the same?
  2. Harlequin

    Worldbuilding Discussion

    TES I never really put species other than humans in my work. I'm not sure why. I'm always interested in works that do have other species though because there's just so much potential for interspecies politics and conflict. Hooray! How did Darcy make his new race? Horrific breeding experiments...
  3. Harlequin

    Worldbuilding Discussion

    Wanted to start one of these. I'm guessing there's a few of us here who worldbuild (whether obsessively or more casually) and like talking about it. I also find it enjoyable to read about what other people are doing! My current project involves (mostly) a planet named Ellos by its inhabitants...
  4. Harlequin

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    I always feel uncomfortable when people say "the Wachowski brothers", but then I correct them and I feel a bit better!
  5. Harlequin


    I think the cons of criminalisation are far outweighing the benefits at the moment. The war on drugs isn't working for anyone except the people selling and trafficking drugs! Moving growth and sale and transport out of the hands of criminal gangs is a good thing, surely? If you have a moral...
  6. Harlequin

    NaNoWriMo 2012

    I think I quit NaNo this year. :(
  7. Harlequin

    NaNoWriMo 2012

    It's based on a number of different tutorials and techniques but isn't quite any of them, but I used this tutorial the most and if you follow that you should get basically the same result. haha yeah I've tried to consider winds and plates and stuff for Ellos but it keeps looking like too much...
  8. Harlequin

    NaNoWriMo 2012

    haven't written in ~days~ but I do now have this: That's a basic map of where the novel mainly takes place. Gogrom will be where a major confrontation happens mid-way through the novel, and the northern Vordrim Territories will account for the next major happening. Korash and Kavesh are...
  9. Harlequin

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    I think it took so long because we got civil unions not that long ago. Kind of like, "there's no rush for marriage because we gave them civil unions".
  10. Harlequin

    NaNoWriMo 2012

    so I'm basically where I should have been at the end of day 7, lols. still enjoying my novel though, it's fantastic. the writing isn't great and the characters aren't right yet, but I love this story and this world. It's my baby, basically. although not a whole lot has actually happened yet...
  11. Harlequin

    NaNoWriMo 2012

    so I am still writing. just. not enough. lol too busy for this bullfrak
  12. Harlequin

    NaNoWriMo 2012

    you have more time than you think? what are you some kind of wizard...... there is no time and I am way behind and I still have stuff to do aaaaaa
  13. Harlequin

    NaNoWriMo 2012

    I'm going to fall behind until Wednesday. It's unavoidable. Sigh.
  14. Harlequin

    NaNoWriMo 2012

  15. Harlequin

    NaNoWriMo 2012

    i can confirm this because I also mistook Cirrus for Tailsy upon skimming without checking the username
  16. Harlequin

    NaNoWriMo 2012

    Excellent progress for today! I've written ~2700 words today, which is the same as I managed on the first so that's pretty good. I'm almost at par for tomorrow, which is fantastic. The world and story has taken on some new aspects and dimensions since the writing started and that's fantastic...
  17. Harlequin

    NaNoWriMo 2012

    Post your synopsis! (Or: what are you writing about?) Here's mine: Centuries ago Ellos burned. A terrible war lasting generations savaged the planet. Billions died and society crumbled in its aftermath. The fall of civilisation brought about a terrible dark ages of savage, brutal individualism...
  18. Harlequin

    NaNoWriMo 2012

    today sucked only wrote like 1100 words :( so I'm still ahead but not nearly by far enough. aaaaand I'm stressing about lack of detailed plans. hell, my characters weren't even named until yesterday.
  19. Harlequin

    NaNoWriMo 2012

    I got 2700 words yesterday. Hoping for another go like that today, since every bit extra I do is going to save me when November gets busier.
  20. Harlequin

    NaNoWriMo 2012

    I have managed to ignore the crippling need to worldbuild more and just write. Although my world is set in a post-post-apocalyptic world where technology is all mismashed and anachronistic and blah, I still wanted to know what sorts of things I could expect where. Now I'm kind of making it up...
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