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Search results

  1. H

    another apology for spamming up your profile with my replies

    another apology for spamming up your profile with my replies
  2. H

    [IMG] I apologize.

    [IMG] I apologize.
  3. H

    Why, thank you.

    Why, thank you.
  4. H

    It's Fem!Sweden?

    It's Fem!Sweden?
  5. H

    Whoops. Changing that to Norway?

    Whoops. Changing that to Norway?
  6. H

    Rate the avatar above you

    9/10 I can't tell if it's a boy or a girl anymore. But I still like it a lot.
  7. H

    I'm not blind, of course I saw them. Rather amusing. *god I'm getting distracted again*

    I'm not blind, of course I saw them. Rather amusing. *god I'm getting distracted again*
  8. H

    The Secondary Meeting (Hetalia)

    Norway! (okay I promised that I wouldn't play Mafia until Christmas break, but...!)
  9. H

    you had that many tabs open? And you were broswing that far back...?

    you had that many tabs open? And you were broswing that far back...?
  10. H

    Oh. o-o Another thing to check out when i have time. ._.

    Oh. o-o Another thing to check out when i have time. ._.
  11. H

    *high five sis-star*

    *high five sis-star*
  12. H

    I can't see it?

    I can't see it?
  13. H

    I don't know? really though, I know like nothing about the game and it seems addicting. Or...

    I don't know? really though, I know like nothing about the game and it seems addicting. Or something./ignore So, again. I DON'T KNOW...prehaps.
  14. H


  15. H

    Not much, honestly. X: Loads of homework, fanfiction( to be written and to be read), etc.

    Not much, honestly. X: Loads of homework, fanfiction( to be written and to be read), etc.
  16. H

    Oh. In that case, I might try it out when I have the time...?

    Oh. In that case, I might try it out when I have the time...?
  17. H

    WHERE COME ON I'VE ONLY SEEN A FEW DUBBED EPISODES this is m' wife* how is Sweden's dubbed...

    WHERE COME ON I'VE ONLY SEEN A FEW DUBBED EPISODES this is m' wife* how is Sweden's dubbed voice funny I mean seriously, it's just really deep. .-.
  18. H

    But is it full of political and economical stuff, or...?

    But is it full of political and economical stuff, or...?
  19. H

    Oh. Sounds like a pain. D:

    Oh. Sounds like a pain. D:
  20. H

    Wow. Okay. Sounds cool. I'd play but it sounds like POLITICS AND ECONOMICS and I just can't

    Wow. Okay. Sounds cool. I'd play but it sounds like POLITICS AND ECONOMICS and I just can't
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