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Search results

  1. Quetzalcoatl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    JackPK (i must wait at least 6 seconds-)
  2. Quetzalcoatl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    i shall legally defend qenya
  3. Quetzalcoatl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    that would be tvt! i was quite proud of my performance as scum there, but i did have the benefit of being outgroup. in cats (2019) several people had suspicions about me, although i ended up surviving to the end anyway because rari basically styled all over the town. one more townie down + one...
  4. Quetzalcoatl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    very wise tbh. -qenya
  5. Quetzalcoatl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    oh, ok, huh. well, nevertheless, i wasn't treating it as 100% reliable information anyway. -qenya
  6. Quetzalcoatl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    wait what -qenya
  7. Quetzalcoatl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    another quick note: not sure if i made this clear in my post earlier but tucker33 did reveal his identity to us last night, and proved it to my satisfaction (and told us sande's role, though i have no evidence that neither they nor he lied). he didn't give us permission to share that bit though...
  8. Quetzalcoatl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    aww... this is either really sweet or really creepy. not sure which. possibly both. but yes it's good to know i'm thinking along the right lines, haha. i mean, that's not quite what i said. only that that was one of the two possibilities. and even that's assuming there's no other possible...
  9. Quetzalcoatl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    i mean, rari certainly does seem to really like neighbourisers; can't speak for how much of the thread you've read- -qenya
  10. Quetzalcoatl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    Uh, for the record, I was already a little bit 👀 about Zori even before Tucker gave us his reads, because I'd asked her a couple of leading questions that she completely ignored - firstly about why she townread Skylar's entrance here as being "solvy", even though she townread the exact opposite...
  11. Quetzalcoatl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    I guess I should clear up a little bit of our thinking wrt bruh moment. So, I think like half of y'all know this already, so it's not giving much away: our role is "attorney", which is like governor except as a day action (and oneshot). It's literally exactly what bruh moment did yesterDay: we...
  12. Quetzalcoatl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    (I should also say that I hadn't been scumreading him at all to this point, so the latter is seeming more likely to me atm) -qenya
  13. Quetzalcoatl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    As far as the watch result goes, I'm afraid I can't explain it. VM and I don't have a night action at all, as I'll go into shortly, so I don't know what Jack saw. My best guess is that either he's lying (which possibly doesn't match up well with him correctly identifying bruh moment's action on...
  14. Quetzalcoatl

    knives alley hydra mafia

  15. Quetzalcoatl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    but why not simply switch your vote from alma mater to eifie!? -qenya
  16. Quetzalcoatl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    anyway @bruh moment you wanna explain why you thought it would be a good idea to fiddle with the results of the vote right before EoD? -qenya
  17. Quetzalcoatl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    thought upon rereading: the fact that rari felt the need to specify "both" is probably the best evidence we have so far for sande's hypothesis about hydras with opposite alignments being correct -qenya
  18. Quetzalcoatl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    was about to explain why we'd come around to the position of scumreading zori but I Guess Not -qenya
  19. Quetzalcoatl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    ...well, shit. no d2 for zori i guess. -qenya
  20. Quetzalcoatl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    bruh moment
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